К переговорам по проблеме Ирана. Iran talks. Radio Liberty. 8.4.2012. MP3
Mercedes-Benz: The car for people who admire mass-murdering racist totalitarian thugs (like Adolph Hitler and Che Guevera). Volokh.com. January 11, 2012.
HSBC provides propaganda and banking services for the Iranian tyrants. Volokh.com. December 27, 2010.
Uncertain Uncertainty. Postmodernism unravels. National Review Online. April 4, 2002.
Bin Laden as Napoleon. A comparison. National Review Online, Nov. 19, 2001.
Waco Lessons for War. What evil can do. National Review Online.Nov. 6, 2001. With Paul Blackman.
Stand up to Islamism. Manifesto of the 12. 3/20/06.
United Arab Emirates and Osama bin Laden. 2/22/06.
"First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People." 12/29/05.
Palestinians name street after terrorist who killed 4 Americans, 3/31/03.
Palestinians name schools after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. 3/17/03.
U.S. State Dept. and Palestinian use of ambulances to smuggle terrorists. 4/7/02.
Another victim of Arafat. 11/30/04.
Arafat: Godfather of Terror. 11/13/04.
Terrorists are much worse than kamikazes. 4/17/02.
Dailies ignoring Zimbabwe crisis. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 1, 2002. Mugabe prepares for genocide.
Which people elected Hitler to their legislature? 1/29/06.
Of course Nelson Mandela supports Saddam. 2/1/03.
Tricked by UNICEF. Financing of Palestinian terrorism makes for one scary Halloween. National Review Online. Oct. 26, 2007.
U.N. obstruction of peace in Israel. 4/14/03.
United Nations an Accomplice in Hezbollah Kidnapping. How the United Nations helped in Hezbollah's October 2000 kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers, and the subsequent cover-up. 7/21/06.
Celebrate Diversity with Hezbollah. Denver Imam Ibrahim Kazerooni is pleased that Hezbollah supporters joined his anti-Israel rally. 8/14/06.
Reid's sentencing, 2/1/03.
Islamic extremists in U.S. overlooked. Domestic Muslims who sympathize with al-Qaida, other terror groups little noticed. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 15, 2002.
Cindy Sheehan threatens to run against Dianne Feinstein. 1/27/06.
Cindy Sheehan Meets Her Muse, 12/12/05.
Where and how to try Adam Gadahn. Volokh.com. March 7, 2010.
Lindh's Rights. Second Amendment does not apply. National Review Online. May 27, 2002.
The Rules. John Ashcroft's John Walker Lindh comments were inappropriate. National Review Online. Feb. 19, 2002.
Delta Airlines complicit in Saudi discrimination? Volokh.com. June 23, 2011.
Who Thinks Bush is a Lot like Hitler? 8/4/06. List of signers of extremist claim that Bush is a fascist.
Supporters of the Iraqi "Resistance". 8/13/05.
Doctors without Borders propagandizes for tyrants. 3/4/02.
Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911. Lengthy monograph exposes Michael Moore's fraud. Other versions:
Michael Moore & Osama bin Laden, 11/1/04.
Michael Moore & Middle Earth, 10/16/04.
Moore, Moveon, & Phony Letters, 7/5/04.
Defense bill will allow President to indefinitely detain American citizens. Volokh.com. Nov. 30, 2011.
Your rights vs. national security. A look at the Patriot Act after 10 years. By Ernest Gurulé. La Voz, Denver. Sept. 13, 2011.
Suit filed over Dept. of Homeland Security Memo/"Policy" on Right-wing Extremists. Volokh.com. April 16, 2009.
What's Wrong with the Patriot Act? Dave Kopel and Cathryn Hazouri (head of the Colorado chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union). Part of the the University of Colorado Denver Student Life office's Anatomy of War series. October 8, 2008. Available in 7 parts on YouTube. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.
Explaining Eisentrager. A key precedent in the illegal combatants cases. National Review Online. April 20, 2004. Español.
You've Got Identity. Why a national ID is a bad idea. National Review Online. Feb. 6, 2002. With Linda Gorman. Español.
Guns and (Character) Assassination. Phony charges about fifty caliber guns. National Review Online. December 21, 2001. With Timothy Wheeler.
Terrorism and Guns. Ashcroft's "coddling" of gun owners. National Review Online. December 17, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds. In italiano.
Repressing Civil Liberties Isn't the Answer. To diffuse the militia movement, acknowledge increasing federal lawlessness. Los Angeles Times, May 1, 1995.
Ireland v. United Kingdom and the prosecution of Bush officials, 4/27/09.
What Guantanamo is Really Like, 6/19/05.
Suit filed over Department of Homeland Security memo on "Right-wing extremists," 4/16/09.
More power for Secret Service? ACLU and Kopel say no. 1/30/06.
David Kopel was among the 110 political experts and legislators who, in a project organized by staffers of the Italian magazine Il Foglio (April/May 2006) have signed a call urging the free world to take action against the terrorist regime in Iran. The International Statement on Iran is available in English and in Italian.
The New McCarthyism: Restricting Constitutional Rights Based on Mere Suspicion. Independence Institute Issue Backgrounder, no. 2005-B. June 2005. Analysis of proposals to use the "no-fly list" or other suspicion-based lists as a basis for prohibiting the exercise of Second Amendment rights.
Preventing a Reign of Terror: Civil Liberties Implications of Terrorism Legislation. 21 Oklahoma City Law Review 247 (1996). PDF. Assesses measures to deal with terrorism by restricting civil liberty.
Hearings on Wiretapping and other Terrorism Proposals. Senate Judiciary Committee. May 24, 1995. Written testimony on behalf of the Cato Institute.
Terrorism, in The Cato Handbook for Congress—105th Congress (1997).
Don't Press the Panic Button. The antiterrorism legislation before Congress is dangerous. National Review Online. Sept. 21, 2001.
Another Bad Treaty. The Biological Weapons treaty. National Review Online. Sept. 6, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Clinton's Terrifying Response to Terror. The American Enterprise. July/Aug. 1995.
Terrifying Terror Legislation. Washington Times. Feb. 6, 1996.
Good guys with guns: Former Interpol chief Ron Noble on the Westgate Mall mass shooting. Washington Post. May 16, 2016.
What Now? The ultimate test. National Review Online. Sept. 12, 2001. In italiano.
The Torch of Freedom. Roosevelt lit the path Kerry's afraid to follow. National Review Online. Oct. 6, 2004. After Pearl Harbor, the United States responded by invading neutral French North Africa.
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death. Some thoughts on the liberation of Baghdad, Apr. 9, 2003.
Never Again. Israeli journalist Ben Capsit pens the speech about Qana that Israel's Prime Minister should have delivered. 8/5/06.
Battle of Gardez shows advance in military tactics, 3/7/02.
Dervishes oppose the Taliban and bin Laden, 5/30/02.
Buddhists and Moslems arm against terrorists. In Thailand. Volokh.com. September 21, 2009.
Follow the Leader. Israel and Thailand set an example by arming teachers. Russia should follow, to prevent more hostage-taking in schools. National Review Online. Sept. 3, 2004.
Bellicose Women, Part XXX, 10/14/05.
Bellicose Women, Part XXIX, India, 10/14/05.
Armed Israeli teacher stops terrorist attack on high school, 5/29/02.
Gush Katif, 5/22/02.
Israeli gun sales soar after shoe salesman shoots Palestinian terrorist in restaurant, 4/7/02.
Suicide bomber flees Karkur after being confronted by armed citizen, 3/11/02.
Philippines: Armed citizens against terrorist kidnappers, 3/10/02.
Poof! Obama administration aims to gut the armed pilots program. America's 1st Freedom. July 2012.
The Bush administration is undermining the armed pilots program. 9/11 anniversary commentary on KGNU Radio. Available in MP3; Kopel commentary begins at 9:15 into the program.
Air Neglect. What's wrong with trained pilots having guns? The TSA is strangling the armed pilots program. National Review Online. July 2, 2003. With Captain David Petteys.
Arms in the Air. Thinking through arming pilots. National Review Online. Sept. 26, 2001.
No Fly, No Buy. Gun-banners want people whose names appear on secret government no-fly lists to be denied their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. America's 1st Freedom, Oct. 2005. PDF.
Poll shows public dissatisfied with Norman Mineta's Dept. of Transportation policies on airplane security. 5/21/02.
Making the Air Safe for Terror. Turning airplanes into safe zones for hijackers. National Review Online. Sept. 16, 2001.
Thom Hartmann Show. David Kopel on Thom Hartmann's "The Big Picture" television show, June 8, 2010. Discussing terrorism, gun shows, Mexico, and more. 6:29 video.
Two Homeland Security agencies lost almost thousand computers in one year. Volokh.com. February 24, 2010.
Face the Facts: Facial recognition technology's troubled past -- and troubling future. Reason. Oct. 2002. With Mike Krause.
Wasted. Can't the DEA or Congress find a better way to use the DEA's resources? Medical marijuana raids in California. National Review Online, Nov. 26, 2001. With Mike Krause.
War on Drugs versus War on Terrorists. 8/23/06.
This is Kerry on Drugs. Starve a peasant, feed a terrorist. Reason.com. July 15, 2004. With Michael Krause.
Virtue in Equivocation. Happy Guy Fawkes Day. National Review Online. Nov. 5, 2001.
President Obama is not a jihadi. Volokh.com. November 21, 2009.
Designing Tomorrow's Wargame. Strategy Page. Oct. 5, 2005. Also printed in Fire & Movement, issue 137.
This is Kerry on Drugs. Starve a peasant, feed a terrorist. Reason.com. July 15, 2004. With Michael Krause.
Rules of Engagement. The Ruby Ridge case. National Review Online. June 13, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds
The Militias are Coming. Book Review of Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat, by Morris Dees with James Corcoran; and A Force upon the Plain: The American Militia Movement and the Politics of Hate, by Kenneth S. Stern. From the August 1996 issue of Reason.
Justice for Waco and Oklahoma City. Federal prosecutors are going after the criminals responsible for the mass murder in Oklahoma City, but not the criminals responsible for Waco.
Letter to John Perry Barlow from a Deadhead Bush Voter, 11/12/04.
Fence Politics, 1/12/04.
Seinfeld in Israel, 6/8/02.
Attacks on Shavei-Shomron, 5/31/02.
See also: Waco, web page describing Dave Kopel's award-winning book No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement, and How to Fix It.
Uncovering anti-Israel Propaganda with Philippe Karsenty. French media critic and elected official Philippe Karsenty joins Dave Kopel to discuss how one of the biggest anti-semitic hoaxes of all time was uncovered. In 2004, Mr. Karsenty set in motion a nearly decade long legal battle to blow the cover off a French TV station's deliberate hoax involving footage of a dying boy named Muhammad al-Durrah. The footage was shown on national TV and helped perpetuate anti-Jewish and anti-American terrorism for years to come. Aug. 16, 2012. 31 minutes.
CAIR's complaints about DVD hollow. Fringe group not worth notice media gives it. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Oct. 4, 2008. The media should not have wasted space covering the Council on American-Islamic Relations' bogus complaints about the movie Obsession, which warns of the dangers of radical violent Islamists.
Dailies' Haditha coverage admirable. More even-handed than national media. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. June 28, 2008.
Stories about slain 'shield' lacking. Media miscoverage of Rachel Corrie and her terrorist-assisting International Solidarity Movement. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Oct. 6, 2007.
On the hustings. The good and the bad of Rocky's, Post's campaign trail coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 19, 2007. Plus the lie that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian.
Were front-page photos staged? Images from Qana raise issue of whether media were manipulated. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, August 12, 2006.
Tattered Cover again Shows Grit. Plus, polling on illegal immigration; Palestinian Authority financial crisis. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 8, 2006.
So much left out of Saddam stories. Documents, videos potentially explosive, but News, Post coverage only minimal. Plus, the lies of Mahmoud Abbas and Scott Ritter. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 25, 2006.
Imam's critic shortchanged. Coverage of Sheikh Ekrima Sabri gave his record a pass. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 11, 2006.
Did blogosphere influence vote? Corruption inquiry covered only on Web might have tipped Canadian election. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 14, 2006. Plus New York Times deception on Niger uranium, and media refusal to cover local abortion rally.
Sheehan's radical views little noted. Despite heavy coverage, nation's press strangely reluctant to report all she says. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, August 27, 2005.
Hyperbole Taints Gitmo Coverage. Comparing death-free Guantanamo to murderous gulags grossly misleading. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 4, 2005. Plus slanted coverage of gay rights, and media blindness about the Iran nuclear weapons program.
Newsweek's bad streak hits home. First the Quran debacle, then magazine's dubious elevation of a local high school. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 21, 2005. Plus an error-ridden article about the 1992 Amendment 2 anti-gay rights ballot initiative. Israel's 57th year of independence is covered solely with a biased A.P. story whitewashing the 1948 Arab war against Israel.
Confusion over Charter Schools. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 7, 2005. Post story slanted against charter schools. Plus Guiliana Sgrena and Wayne Laugesen. And an explanation of "write-thrus."
Shameless dailies run deceptive ad. 'Bait-and-switch' in wake of pope's death misleads readers, exploits the faithful. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 23, 2005. Plus: undercoverage of Benedict XVI's intellectual record. Over-coverage of failed anti-American demonstration in Baghdad.
Optimism in Iraq sniffed at here. Mostly positive pre-election poll of Iraqi voters given short shrift in Denver. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 29, 2005.
Post misses boat on Hefley move. Even News barely notes role of rules in congressman's loss of ethics panel chair. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 15, 2005. Plus fraud in the real estate section, and coverage of Sri Lanka.
Gadfly's Web site rough, effective. Includes a discussion of Donald Rumsfeld's remarks to soldiers, and soldiers' complaints about media bias. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 1, 2005.
CBS peddling bogus draft fears. Local papers do better job of finding truth behind Dem-inspired red herring. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Oct. 9, 2004.
Dailies Overlook Military Advances. Revolutionary developments in strategy, tactics given scant attention in Denver. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 11, 2004.
Press accentuates negatives of Iraq. Media's obsessive lingering on problems neglects the many positives of situation. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 5, 2004. Plus NPR bias, Israel coverage.
Possibly big U.N. scandal slighted. News better at covering investigation into potential oil-for-food program corruption. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 8, 2004.
Media goes all fuzzy on protest. Lack of specifics, perspective on figures used by Auraria students hurts coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 13, 2004. Plus Nelson Rockefeller's divorce, dubious statistics about "hate crimes" against homosexuals, and attacks on George Bush's campaign advertisements.
Blogs unearth dubious sources. Theories finger military for earthquake, illness, but who's behind these stories? Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Jan. 3, 2004. The junk scientist behind the hysteria over depleted uranium and other falsehoods about the U.S. military.
News columnist scores a coup. Report on Baghdad anti-terrorism rally one more Iraq item ignored by others. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Dec. 20, 2003. Plus coverage of the trendy restaurant named for the genocidal tyrant "Mao," bogus statistics about the homeless, and the new government in Switzerland.
Déjà vu in a liberated Iraq. Winning the war is half the battle; what's harder is winning hearts. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Oct. 25, 2003.
Two points about WMDs neglected. Did Clinton and those who authorized Resolution 1441 lie about Saddam, too? Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 21, 2003. Plus a look at Swiss and French newspapers.
In Gulf War II, old giants are passé. In early days of Iraqi war, Denver's 7 was the clear leader in news coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Mar. 29, 2003. Plus Rachel Corrie, Supreme Court gay rights case, hockey playoffs, and censorship of sports stars.
'Peace activist' or 'war activist'? Media should take greater care in their labeling of participants in conflicts. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 12, 2003. Also examines the Pearl Jam controversy, and the racist attack on Don Mares.
Media trip up in protest coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Feb. 2, 2003. Media ignore the Stalinists organizing anti-war protests. Phony media claims that Bush is promoting a special SUV tax break.
Fox 31 misleads on 'sniper' rifles. Despite news segment's claims, it takes more than mouse click to obtain firearms. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, October 27, 2002.
Raines of Error' blights NY Times. News, Post only make matters worse by unquestioningly reprinting its stories. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, October 13, 2002.
Mideast stories lack critical info. Too many witnesses and 'experts' go unidentified in Times and AP stories carried by Post and News. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Apr. 7, 2002.
Pearl's history barely reported. News, Post give little notice to crucial importance of slain Journal reporter's religious background. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Mar. 10, 2002.
'Israel lobby' a clear misnomer. Intimations by News international editor of an Israeli-controlled 'propaganda corps' ring false. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Nov. 18, 2001.
Up with the People. Reviewing NBC's Uprising. National Review Online, weekend edition. Nov. 10-11, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
Capturing the War. Denver newspapers do their part, but it takes others and the Internet to cover wide world of terrorism. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Oct. 20, 2001.
News changes terrorism tune. Different tone imbued paper day after fawning New York Times article on former terror bomber. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 23, 2001.
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