"Manus haec inimica tyrannis
Einse petit placidam cum liberate quietem."
(This hand, enemy to tyrants,
By the sword seeks calm peacefulness with liberty.)
Algernon Sidney,
Discourses on Government. This statement is the Official Motto of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Contents of this page: Global/multinational/UN. North America. Europe. South America. Asia/Pacific. Africa. Individual countries can be found within their continental section.
Colombia's National Law of Firearms and Explosives. Full translation of the Colombian statutes, along with historical and narrative explanation. Independence Institute Issue Paper no. 3-2011. By Jonathan Edward Shaw.
Hungarian Weapons Law of May 2004. English translation and explanation, plus Hungarian text.
Mexico's Federal Laws on Firearms and Explosives. University of Denver Legal Studies Research Paper No. 10-12. April 2010. By David Kopel.
Weapons Laws of the Russian Federation. Independence Institute Issue Paper number 7-2012. May 2012. By Margot van Loon. Full translation of the statutes into English.
Gun Bans & Genocide: The Disarming Facts. How gun control has been used in the Darfur, Sudan genocide. Genocide and United Nations disarmament in other African countries. America's 1st Freedom. August 2006. PDF. HTML.
Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right? 81 Notre Dame Law Review 1275 (2006). Conducting an in-depth study of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and also discussing other genocides, this article details the inadequacy of many of the international community's response to genocides, such as "targeted sanctions" or international peacekeeping forces. Examining international legal authorities such as the Genocide Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice, the article demonstrates that groups which are being subjected to genocide have a legal right of self-defense. International treaties, Security Council arms embargoes, or national gun control laws cannot lawfully be enforced in a manner which prevents self-defense resistance to a genocide in progress, because under international law, the prohibition against any form of complicity in genocide takes legal precedence over lesser laws.
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008).With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. How gun control has faciliated genocide in Uganda, and ethnic cleansing in Kenya and Uganda.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
The Other War in Ethiopia. Tech Central Station. Dec. 29, 2006. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. The destruction of the disarmed Anuak people of southwestern Ethiopia.
Dailies ignoring Zimbabwe crisis. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 1, 2002. Mugabe prepares for genocide.
Ripe for Genocide. Disarmament endangers Zimbabwe. National Review Online. Feb. 13, 2001. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Democide facilitated by victim disarmament in Zimbabwe, Volokh.com June 3, 2005.
Genocide Watch report on Zimbabwe. NRO The Corner, Mar. 19, 2002.
How Gun Control Led to Genocide in this Small European Country. The story of Bosnia. Conservative Review. Aug. 8, 2016. by Jasmin Dolamic, former Ind. Inst. intern.
Alan Steinweis's bad history. NY Times op-ed denigrating Jewish resistance to the Nazis flubs history. Washington Post. Oct. 16, 2015.
Unarmed Jews defeat mass murder: Revolts at the extermination camps. Washington Post. Oct. 12, 2015.
The Warsaw ghetto uprising: Armed Jews vs. Nazis. Washington Post. Oct. 10, 2015.
Holocaust remembrance week: How armed Jews saved lives. During the "Days of Remembrance" for the Holocaust, remember the heroic armed Jewish partisans who fought the Nazis and saved lives. Washington Post. May 2, 2014.
"Gun Control in The Third Reich." by Stephen Halbrook. Book review. Nov. 2013.
Armed Resistance to the Holocaust. 19 Journal of Firearms & Public Policy 144 (2007). Final version in PDF. Earlier version in HTML. Earlier version in Polish/Polski.
Armed Jews Week. The Jews who fought the Nazis embodied the spirit of Hanukkah. MSNBC.com, Dec. 10, 2004.
Book review of Aaron Zelman, et al., Lethal Laws, 15 New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law 355 (1995).
Hitler's Control. The gun control lessons of Nazi history. National Review Online. May 22, 2003. With Richard Griffiths. In italiano. En français.
Kristallnacht and Arms Control, Volokh.com, Nov. 9, 2005.
Today in history: "Juden…waffen!" Volokh.com. April 19, 2011.
Up with the People. Reviewing NBC's Uprising. National Review Online, weekend edition. Nov. 10-11, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
When Policy Kills. More deadly U.N. issues. The Srebrenica massacre and the U.N.'s disarmament policies. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. In italiano.
Can the UN be sued for its role in the Srebrenica massacre? Volokh.com, June 25, 2008.
Genocide Resistance. The possession of arms saved many Armenians. National Review Online, Oct. 16, 2007. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Birth of a Nation. What East Timor and the U.S. have in common. And what they don't. National Review Online. Mar. 12, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Tibet. Genocide and ecocide. Relix.
The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies? (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1992). Named 1992 Book of the Year by the American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology. Review by Nicholas Johnson, Public Interest Law Review. Review by the Foreign Military Studies Office, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
Justice for All: A Better Path to Global Firearms Control. 2 Jindal Global L. Rev. 198 (2010). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
The OAS Firearms Convention Is Incompatible with American Liberties. Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, May 19, 2010. With Theodore Bromund & Ray Walser.
President Calderón's Visit Should Not Lead to Support for the OAS's Firearms Convention. Heritage Foundation WebMemo. May 19, 2010. With Theodore Bromund & Ray Walser.
Is There a Relationship between Guns and Freedom? Comparative Results from 59 Nations. 13 Texas Review of Law & Politics 1 (2008). With Carl Moody & Howard Nemerov. There are 59 nations for which data about per capita gun ownership are available. This Working Paper examines the relationship between gun density and several measures of freedom and prosperity: the Freedom House ratings of political rights and civil liberty, the Transparency International Perceived Corruption Index, the World Bank Purchasing Power Parity ratings, and the Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom. The data suggest that the relationships between gun ownership rates and these other measures are complex. The data show that (although exceptions can be found) the nations with the highest rates of gun ownership tend to have greater political and civil freedom, greater economic freedom and prosperity, and much less corruption than other nations. The relationship only exists in for high-ownership countries. Countries with medium rates of gun density generally scored no better or worse than countries with the lowest levels of gun rates
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
The Human Right of Self-Defense. 22 BYU Journal of Public Law 43 (2008). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Firearms Regulation, International Law and Human Rights, in 2d annual "Firearms Law & the Second Amendment Symposium". George Mason University School of Law. Oct. 7, 2006. Windows Media hi low. QuickTime hi low. Main page for symposium.
Does the Right to Bear Arms Impede or Promote Economic Development? 6 Engage 85 (2005, issue 1) (journal of The Federalist Society). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Using case studies from Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, this article refutes the claim of gun prohibition advocates that the presence of "small arms" is a cause of economic underdevelopment. The article also details the harmful effects of UN policy regarding malaria and AIDS in the Third World. In PDF.
Firearms Possession by "Non-State Actors'': the Question of Sovereignty," 8 Texas Review of Law and Politics 373 (2004). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911. Monograph.
A Foreign Policy Disaster, in The New Prohibition: Voices of Dissent Challenge the Drug War (Accurate Press, 2004). With Mike Krause.
Global Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates. 8 Texas Review of Law and Politics 114 (2003). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Gun Ownership and Human Rights, Brown Journal of World Affairs (Winter/Spring 2003, vol. IX, no. 2). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. PDF format of pre-publication galleys.
Self-Defense: The Equalizer. 15 Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 92 (No. 4, Winter 2000). Survey of gun control polices and results in Japan, Britain, Canada, and Australia. With Linda Gorman. HTML. PDF version, article begins on p. 92.
Fact check: Obama claim that ‘I say this every time we've got one of these mass shootings; this just doesn't happen in other countries.' Washington Post. Dec. 1, 2015.
U.S. treaty obligations to defend Marshall Islands ships. Washington Post. May 1, 2015.
The U.S. is Right to be Skeptical. Responding to the question, "Have treaties gone out of style?" New York Times Room for Debate. Dec. 6, 2012.
Three cheers for President Obama! Nobel Prize acceptance speech. December 10, 2009.
Can Obama accept the Nobel Prize without congressional consent? Volokh.com. October 28, 2009.
Bloody Pirates! How can a few thugs disrupt the entire shipping industry? It's simple when the good guys have water hoses and air horns for self-defense, and only the bad guys have guns. America's 1st Freedom. July 2009.
The No on Koh Letter. Volokh.com. May 20, 2009.
Ireland v. United Kingdom and the prosecution of Bush officials. Volokh.com. April 27, 2009.
President Bush was right on the International Criminal Court. Volokh.com. April 25, 2009.
CAIR's complaints about DVD hollow. Fringe group not worth notice media gives it. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Oct. 4, 2008. The media should not have wasted space covering the Council on American-Islamic Relations' bogus complaints about the movie Obsession, which warns of the dangers of radical violent Islamists.
The Torch of Freedom. Roosevelt lit the path Kerry's afraid to follow. National Review Online. Oct. 6, 2004. After Pearl Harbor, the United States responded by invading neutral French North Africa.
This is Kerry on Drugs. Starve a peasant, feed a terrorist. Reason.com. July 15, 2004. With Michael Krause.
America's Fascination with Firearms. The rigors of the country's frontier led to the proliferation of firearms and a deeply ingrained pro-gun culture. The World & I magazine, Oct. 2003. Examines gun culture in Canada, Switzerland, England, and elsewhere.
Kellogg-Briand Pact, National Review Online, Aug. 27, 2003.
Another Bad Treaty. Proposed protocol to the 1972 Biological Weapons treaty. National Review Online. Sept. 6, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
When American Aid Brings Food for Naught. Newsday. Apr. 7, 1986.
The New Frontier. Preparing the law for settling on Mars. National Review Online. June 4, 2002. With Glenn Reynolds.
Good guys with guns: Former Interpol chief Ron Noble on the Westgate Mall mass shooting. Washington Post. May 16, 2016.
Necessary Reforms Can Keep Interpol Working in the U.S. Interest. Heritage Foundation Backgrounder #2861. With Theodore R. Bromund. Dec. 11, 2013.
Arrest warrant for Julian Assange. Volokh.com. November 30, 2010.
Interpol Realism. Volokh.com. January 15, 2010.
(Note also, many individual countries stories have a U.N. component.)
United Nations: Trouble in Paradise. Report on the 2015 meeting for implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty. America's 1st Freedom. Nov. 2015.
U.N.-Believable. By giving support to the negotiation and passage of a U.N. arms trade treaty, the Obama administration is allowing foreign government to remake the 2nd Amendment - and thus the United States - in their own image. America's 1st Freedom. June 2013.
First item of new post-election "flexibility": U.N. gun control. Volokh.com. Nov. 7, 2012.
Feeling Blue. The Obama administration's support for gun control initiatives at U.N. conferences in the summer of 2010. America's 1st Freedom, Oct. 2010.
The Arms Trade Treaty: Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Prospects for Arms Embargoes on Human Rights Violators, 114 Penn State Law Review 891 (2010). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. At the end of this document: En français, une version de 8 pages de ce document est disponible en français. En español, el extracto está disponible en español.
UNICEF harms children. Volokh.com. December 6, 2010.
Tricked by UNICEF. Financing of Palestinian terrorism makes for one scary Halloween. National Review Online, Oct. 26, 2007.
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
Guns Don't Kill People, Gun Control Kills People. Uganda terrorizes its own citizens under the auspices of a UN gun control mandate. Reason Online. Feb. 23, 2007. With Joanne D. Eisen & Paul Gallant.
U.N. To World: You Have No Human Right to Self-Defense. Thwarted by the demise of its global gun ban treaty, the United Nations declares the human right of self-defense null and void. America's 1st Freedom, November 2006.
The United Nations versus Self-defense. Speech at the Gun Rights Policy Conference. Charlotte, N.C. Sept. 23, 2006. 16 minutes. Podcast in MP3.
The UN's New Attack on Law-abiding American Gun Owners. How the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly are moving towards declaring the absence of sufficiently repressive American laws on gun ownership and self-defense to be a violation of international human rights. The Volokh Conspiracy. Sept. 13, 2006.
UN Conference Ending, Freedom Winning! The Volokh Conspiracy. July 7, 2006. (Polski/Polish translation.)
United Nations Gun Confiscation. Kopel discusses the international gun prohibition movement, and his new paper about human rights abuses in the gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda. Podcast in MP3.
Human Rights Atrocities: The Consequences of United Nations Gun Confiscation in East Africa. By Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne Eisen. How U.N.-backed gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda have led to murder, torture, and arson, and have turned tens of thousands of pastoral tribespeople into starving refugees. Issue Backgrounder. In PDF. In HTML.
Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights. 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali.
The UN Small Arms Conference, 23 SAIS Review 319 (Winter/Spring 2003, Issue 1). In italiano.
U.N. Out of North America. National Review Online. Aug. 9, 2001. Part five of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
U.N. Gives Tyranny a Hand. National Review Online. Aug. 6, 2001. Part four of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Bypassing U.S. Voters. National Review Online. Aug. 3, 2001. Part three of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Gunning Against Guns. Transparency at the United Nations. National Review Online. Aug. 1, 2001. Part two of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Score One for Bush. A U.N. conference concludes without too much permanent damage. National Review Online. July 30, 2001. Part one of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Mayor Daley and other Mayors: Seek "redress against the gun industry" in the World Court. Volokh.com. April 28, 2010.
UNRWA and Palestinian Suffering. The UN agency created in 1949 to help Palestinian refugees has deliberately prolonged their suffering. The Volokh Conspiracy. Nov. 29, 2007.
The UN Needs another Member. Taiwan's application to join the UN. And the unfortunate silence of the U.S. State Department regarding the Secretary-General's illegal rejection of the application. Tech Central Station. Oct. 10, 2007. With Mike Krause.
Taiwan's Right to UN Membership. The Volokh Conspiracy. Sept. 12, 2006. Español.
United Nations an Accomplice in Hezbollah Kidnapping. July 21, 2006. The Volokh Conspiracy. How the United Nations helped in Hezbollah's October 2000 kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers, and the subsequent cover-up.
Post less gullible in Baby 81 hoax. It carried only 2 stories to the News' 9; AP reports rife with unsupported 'facts'. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Feb. 26 , 2005. Plus media non-coverage of U.N. sex abuse, and coverage of the Saudi high school in Virginia that produced the man accused to trying to assassinate President Bush.
Dutch descend into barbarism. Denver dailies soft-pedal the killings of newborns under Groningen Protocol. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Dec. 4, 2004. Plus analysis of coverage of the democracy movement in the Ukraine, the UN scandals, and the Alabama state constitutional referendum.
Possibly big U.N. scandal slighted. News better at covering investigation into potential oil-for-food program corruption. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 8, 2004.
Globaltaxation.Gov. UN and EU gearing up to regulate the Internet. National Review Online. Aug. 24, 2001. With Jennifer Holder.
blog: Does the Convention against Torture apply to abortion? 5/28/09. President Bush was right on the International Criminal Court, 4/25/09. The United Nations vs. the Second Amendment, 7/21/08. Global gun prohibition lobby urges ban on arms sales to Israel, 10/17/06. Human Rights = Allah, 3/23/06. Gun Prohibition One Country at a Time, 5/25/05. U.N. obstruction of peace in Israel, 4/14/03. No Go for CEDAW, 6/3/02. Mary Robinson, 3/20/02.
The Prohibitionist's Burden. Congress has repealed the Fourth Amendment for everyone on a ship. National Review Online. July 14, 2001. With Mike Krause. Coast Guard and the drug war. In italiano.
Click here for articles by Kopel in Spanish.
$2 Billion They'll Never See Again. Canada repeals long gun registration. America's 1st Freedom. July 2012.
Canada Abolishes Long Gun Registry. Volokh.com. Apr. 5, 2012.
The most important right to arms vote of 2009. Volokh.com. November 4, 2009.
Off Target. A 1989 college shooting in Montreal incited a $2 billion Canadian long gun registry. Seventeen years later, another Montreal college shooting mocks the failed registry. America's 1st Freedom. January 2007.
Did blogosphere influence vote? Corruption inquiry covered only on Web might have tipped Canadian election. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 14, 2006. Plus New York Times deception on Niger uranium, and media refusal to cover local abortion rally.
Cana-cerous. After a decade of failure, Canada is taking steps to infect the rest of the world with its costly gun-banning schemes. America's 1st Freedom, Dec. 2005. PDF.
Disaster Up North. Gun-control laws run amuck, with a billion dollar cost overrun in the gun registry. National Review Online. Dec. 12, 2002. With Gary Mauser.
Canadian Gun Control: Should America Look North for a Solution to its Firearms Problem? 5 Temple Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (1991).
Civil Disobedience in Canada. National Review Online. Aug. 2, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
How Firearms Registration Works. It doesn't, in Canada. National Review Online. Dec. 7, 2000. With Gary Mauser.
No Canada. Why America would follow Canada's political lead is mind boggling. Electoral College and other issues. National Review Online. Dec. 20, 2000. With Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Gun Storage Laws. As demonstrated in Canada and Great Britain, such laws are used to make home defense impossible The American Guardian. 1997.
The Failure of Canadian Gun Control. The American Rifleman. Sept. 1988.
blog: One-stop Shopping for Gun Thieves, 3/20/06. Marc Lepine 3/15/06. Two cheers for Paul Martin, 1/24/06. Canadian election poll, 1/9/06. Canadian Government to Ban Handguns, 12/8/05. Ban on the word "gun" in spelling books, 2/11/03.
Elian's Revenge. It will benefit us more than it will benefit him. National Review Online. Jan. 10, 2001. With David Stolinksy.
Is Miami another Waco? National Review Online. Apr. 26, 2000. With Paul Blackman.
Mr. President, You're No JFK. The Elian Gonzalez kidnapping. National Review Online, Apr. 24, 2000.
Let My People Go: Elián and the Exodus. National Review Online, Apr. 17, 2000.
Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights. 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. In PDF.
Honduras election results in decisive win for democracy. Volokh.com. November 30, 2009.
Tighter Regulation Needed of Small Weapons, Jamaica tells General Assembly. Also, amicus brief on right to carry in Illinois. NRA News. Sept. 28, 2011.
Jamaica Farewell. The consequences of gun prohibition. National Review Online. Sept. 10, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen.
Jamaican War Zone. An island of intoxicative beauty? Try again, mon. With Dr. Paul Gallant, & Dr. Joanne Eisen. National Review Online. Oct. 30, 2000.
The Future of International Drug Policy. Kopel interviews Mexican lawyer and professor Alejandro Madrazo regarding the drug war in Mexico. March 21, 2016.
Mexico's Gun Control Laws: A Model for the United States? 18 Texas Review of Law & Politics 27 (2013).
Fast and Furious explained. iVoices.org podcast. June 21, 2012. 47 minutes. MP3.
Calderon misfires on U.S. gun control. Mexican president scatters blame far and wide for ‘Fast and Furious' mistakes. Washington Times. April 12, 2012.
Why you should be furious about Fast & Furious. A detailed timeline of BATFE's program that supplied over 2,000 guns to Mexican cartels. America's 1st Freedom. Jan. 2012.
The OAS Firearms Convention Is Incompatible with American Liberties. Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, May 19, 2010. With Theodore Bromund & Ray Walser.
President Calderón's Visit Should Not Lead to Support for the OAS's Firearms Convention. Heritage Foundation WebMemo. May 19, 2010. With Theodore Bromund & Ray Walser.
Dailies fall flat in full rally coverage. Essential aspects of story go unreported, hard questions unasked by News, Post. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 6, 2006.
Dailies are reliably pro-illegals. Critics little cited; columnists of one mind about the issue. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 22, 2006.
Gun laws of Mexico. Entry from Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. Español: Leyes del Arme de México.
Unity in the Virgin. The cultural, historical, and American significance of the Virgin of Guadeloupe. MSNBC.com, Dec. 12, 2004.
Nicaragua and the Sandinistas.
blog: Contra Coffee, 10/14/05.
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns, including lots of data from Eastern Europe.
Ultimately, Fox is not the problem. European dismay with trends in U.S. misdirected at television news network. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Sept. 27, 2003.
Speak No Evil. The European Union revives the offense of Seditious Libel. Chronicles. Feb. 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Globaltaxation.Gov. U.N. and EU gearing up to regulate the Internet. National Review Online. Aug. 24, 2001. With Jennifer Holder.
Saying PU to the EU. Choosing liberty over socialism. National Review Online. Dec. 21, 2000. With Carlo Stagnaro.
How the Irish Saved Civilization, Again (by voting down the EU treaty). Volokh.com. 6/13/08.
Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights. 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali.
How Gun Control Led to Genocide in this Small European Country. The story of Bosnia. Conservative Review. Aug. 8, 2016. by Jasmin Dolamic, former Ind. Inst. intern.
When Policy Kills. More deadly U.N. issues. The Srebrenica massacre and the U.N.'s disarmament policies. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. In italiano.
Can the UN be sued for its role in the Srebrenica massacre? 6/25/08.
Click here for articles by Kopel in French.
Uncovering anti-Israel Propaganda with Philippe Karsenty. French media critic and elected official Philippe Karsenty joins Dave Kopel to discuss how one of the biggest anti-semitic hoaxes of all time was uncovered. In 2004, Mr. Karsenty set in motion a nearly decade long legal battle to blow the cover off a French TV station's deliberate hoax involving footage of a dying boy named Muhammad al-Durrah. The footage was shown on national TV and helped perpetuate anti-Jewish and anti-American terrorism for years to come. Aug. 16, 2012. 31 minutes.
"France will not abandon the women who are condemned to the burqa." Nicolas Sarkozy's first address to the French people takes the first step in France's return to its glorious history and identity as a defender of human rights. The Volokh Conspiracy. May 9, 2007.
Bin Laden as Napoleon. A comparison. National Review Online, Nov. 19, 2001.
An Appeal for De Gaulle. France's true greatest day. National Review Online. July 14, 2001.
Why D-Day Mattered. National Review Online, June 6, 2000.
blog: Anniversary of DeGaulle's birth, 11/22/05. French Education System's Role in the Riots,11/8/05. Anti-French attitudes in Eastern Europe, 8/22/05. Liberation of Paris, 8/26/03.
Click here for articles by Kopel in German.
Alan Steinweis's bad history. NY Times op-ed denigrating Jewish resistance to the Nazis flubs history. Washington Post. Oct. 16, 2015.
"Gun Control in The Third Reich." by Stephen Halbrook. Book review. Nov. 2013.
Putting Heidegger in the library's grave of discarded lies. Volokh.com. November 12, 2009.
The Obama Effect: US more popular in Germany. Volokh.com. June 4, 2009.
Armed Resistance to the Holocaust. 19 Journal of Firearms & Public Policy 144 (2007). Final version in PDF. Earlier version in HTML. Earlier version in Polish/Polski.
Déjà vu in a liberated Iraq. Winning the war is half the battle; what's harder is winning hearts. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Oct. 25, 2003. Examines 1946 American media coverage of liberated Germany.
Hitler's Control. The gun control lessons of Nazi history. National Review Online. May 22, 2003. With Richard Griffiths. In italiano. En français.
blog: The Obama Effect: US more popular in Germany, 6/4/09. Kristallnacht and Arms Control, 11/9/05.
Gun Control in Great Britain: Saving Lives or Constricting Liberty? (Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, Office of International Criminal Justice, 1992).
The Costs and Consequences of Gun Control. Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 784 (Dec. 1, 2015). Discusses British gun confiscation.
The Posse Comitatus and the Office of Sheriff: Armed Citizens Summoned to the Aid of Law Enforcement. 104 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 671 (2015).
"The Gold Standard of Gun Control,"2 Journal of Law, Economics & Policy 417 (2006). Book review of Joyce Malcolm's "Guns and Violence: The English Experience." In PDF. In HTML. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
It Isn't About Duck Hunting: The British Origins of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Dave Kopel's in-depth review of Joyce Malcolm's book To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right. Originally published in the Michigan Law Review.
All the Way Down the Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessons for Civil Liberties in America. 22 Hamline Law Review 399 (1999). With Joseph Olson. PDF.
Lost Battles, Lost Rights. Monograph. How the British lost their right to arms in the twentieth century, by imposing one "reasonable" law on another, until the right was extinguished.
The Scottish and English Religious Roots of the American Right to Arms: Buchanan, Rutherford, Locke, Sidney, and the Duty to Overthrow Tyranny, 12 Bridges 291 (nos. 3/4, Fall/Winter 2005).
Origins of the Declaration of Independence: Samuel Rutherford's ‘Lex, Rex.' Washington Post. June 17, 2016.
The Second Amendment versus anti-Catholicism. Washington Post. Nov. 20, 2015. James Madison expressly rejected anti-Catholic gun control laws; yet modern anti-gun advocates claim that these bigoted laws laws should be imposed on everyone.
English legal history and the right to carry arms. Washington Post. Oct. 31, 2015. English law in the 17th and 18th centuries allowed the peaceable carry of arms, and forbade carry in a deliberately terrifying manner.
Who Rules Who? On what the Scottish people are really voting for. The Scottish independence referendum. Holyrood. Mar. 11, 2012.
A Critique of Home Office Research Study 298 of 2006, Gun Crime: The market in and use of illegal firearms. By Colin Greenwood. April 2007. A careful dissection of a deeply flawed British government study promoting more repressive laws against gun owners, notwithstanding the failures of previous laws.
British gun controls and the quasi-independence of some small islands. 1/23/06.
Defending the Home. MSNBC.com, Dec. 6, 2004. Home defense against burglary in Great Britain, the fox-hunting ban, and the Civil Contingencies Act.
God, Man, and Tyrants. John of Salisbury and the Bestselling Book of the Twelfth Century. Liberty. May 2004.
God's Carpenter. Minorities targeted for ethnic cleansing. Leaders of persecuted religious sects. Escaped slaves. Outlawed guns. Every age has something to hide, and also brave individuals who risk everything to hide it. Nicholas Owen was one of those brave men. Liberty. March 2004.
Crown jewels: UK newspapers. Aside from a few unworthies, Great Britain's dailies offer some fine reading. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 10, 2003.
The British Gun Closet. Slowly, the country is learning the hard way. National Review Online. May 14, 2003. In Italiano.
Mayday Mayday. May Day demonstrators are a sad sight. National Review Online. May 2, 2003. Report on the May Day demonstration in London.
Malcolm in the Middle. Falling victim to bogus critics. National Review Online. Sept. 16, 2002. Has Joyce Malcolm's research on the history of English gun rights been "discredited"?
Virtue in Equivocation. Happy Guy Fawkes Day. National Review Online. Nov. 5, 2001.
The Intelligent Man's Guide to Lying Under Oath. A discussion of Bill Clinton, the persecution of Catholics in 17th century England, the Treatise of Equivocation, and jury independence. Liberty magazine. March 1999.
Mad Cows, Madder Government. National Review Online. June 12, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen.
Empty-Barrel Gun Policies. A legacy of nonsense from Clinton, Blair, and the Left. National Review Online. Jan. 22, 2001.
Fear in Britain. They have no guns -- so they have a lot of crime. National Review Online. July 18, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Jane Austen & The First Gen Y: Are the dilemmas of young people in 2000 so different from those of 1813? National Review Online. July 11, 2000.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Gun Storage Laws. As demonstrated in Canada and Great Britain, such laws are used to make home defense impossible.
War on Drugs versus War on Terrorists. 8/23/06.
Banning Kitchen Knives, 5/27/05.
Arms and the Greeks. What Plato and Aristotle thought about arms control. Liberty. August 1999.
Hungarian Weapons Law of May 2004. English translation and explanation, plus Hungarian text.
Consulting Webster. A statesman for all times. Daniel Webster's famous "Hulsemann Letter" shows how America should respond to bullying from foreign dictatorships. National Review Online. Jan. 3, 2003. With Mike Brotherton.
blog: Cardinal Mindszenty, 2/8/03.
Why People Club Each Other: Some Irish history, and a word of advice to the government. National Review Online. Aug. 31, 2000.
Ireland on the Brink. A decades-long battle for firearm freedom could soon end in the worst way possible for Irish gun owners. America's 1st Freedom. April 2011.
Ireland v. United Kingdom and the prosecution of Bush officials. Volokh.com. April 27, 2009.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Irish self-determination. Volokh.com. March 18, 2009.
Ireland v. United Kingdom and the prosecution of Bush officials, 4/27/09.
A Nation Once Again, 3/18/09.
How the Irish Saved Civilization, Again, 6/13/08.
Irish Jews can now Wear Chainmail and Leather Armor, 3/15/06.
Who are the Irish Travelers? 9/25/02.
Confusion over Charter Schools. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 7, 2005. Post story slanted against charter schools. Plus Guiliana Sgrena and Wayne Laugesen. And an explanation of "write-thrus."
Shameless dailies run deceptive ad. 'Bait-and-switch' in wake of pope's death misleads readers, exploits the faithful. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 23, 2005. Plus: undercoverage of Benedict XVI's intellectual record. Over-coverage of failed anti-American demonstration in Baghdad.
Getting with It. Italians move toward protecting self-defense. National Review Online. May 7, 2002. With Carlo Stagnaro.
Gianni, Get Your Gun. The surprising emergence of gun rights in Italy. Chronicles. Dec. 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro.
Orwell in Italy. National Review Online. April 25 , 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro. Old media gets government to crack down on Internet journalists.
Conservatives Without Conservatism. Individual rights up in smoke in Italy. National Review Online. Feb. 8, 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro. In italiano.
Nationalized Slavery. Conscription in Italy. National Review Online. Jan. 11, 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro. In italiano.
The Founders' Reading of Ancient History. Feb. 2000, Chronicles, pp. 47-48.
Gore as Caligula? At times, Clinton seems like a one-man agglomeration of the vices of the early Roman emperors. National Review Online, May 10, 2000.
blog: Self-defense bill approved by Parliament, 7/8/05. Police instructions about not resisting criminals, 5/15/03.
Armed Jews Week. The Jews who fought the Nazis embodied the spirit of Hanukkah. MSNBC.com, Dec. 10, 2004.
As Goes Moldova... Threats to civil liberty, including gun registration. With Dennis Polhill. National Review Online. Sept. 11, 2000.
Dutch descend into barbarism. Denver dailies soft-pedal the killings of newborns under Groningen Protocol. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Dec. 4, 2004. Plus analysis of coverage of the democracy movement in the Ukraine, the UN scandals, and the Alabama state constitutional referendum.
AP twists truth about Fortuyn: Wire service's characterization of slain politician completely at odds with his actual stated positions. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 19, 2002.
Post, News flay reputations of 2. Character assassinations of right-wing politicians span globe, cross bounds of ethical journalism. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 5, 2002. Analysis of coverage of Pim Fortuyn and Tom Tancredo.
blog: "We Gather Together" and the Dutch War of Independence, 11/22/05. Dutch Schools Ban Dutch flag, 2/7/05.
Blog: April 9, the anniversary of liberation from the Nazis, 4/10/03.
Alan Steinweis's bad history. NY Times op-ed denigrating Jewish resistance to the Nazis flubs history. Washington Post. Oct. 16, 2015.
Unarmed Jews defeat mass murder: Revolts at the extermination camps. Washington Post. Oct. 12, 2015.
The Warsaw ghetto uprising: Armed Jews vs. Nazis. Washington Post. Oct. 10, 2015.
Today in history: "Juden…waffen!" Volokh.com. April 19, 2011.
Up with the People. Reviewing NBC's Uprising. National Review Online, weekend edition. Nov. 10-11, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
blog: Jaruzelski charged with leading armed criminal organization, 4/13/06.
Communist Gun Control. Gun control in Rumania and the rest of the Warsaw Pact. In italiano.
(See also the Russian language page.)
Weapons Laws of the Russian Federation. Independence Institute Issue Paper number 7-2012. May 2012. By Margot van Loon. Full translation of the statutes into English.
How my father helped free Soviet prisoners. Volokh.com. November 8, 2009.
Blog: Dec. 31 anniversary of USSR's demise.
Judges in Spain Go on Strike. Volokh.com. Feb. 18, 2009.
News columnist scores a coup. Report on Baghdad anti-terrorism rally one more Iraq item ignored by others. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Dec. 6, 2003. Plus coverage of the trendy restaurant named for the genocidal tyrant "Mao," bogus statistics about the homeless, and the new government in Switzerland.
Swiss Mess: Homeland defense, the wrong way. Gun control forces attempt to exploit the September murder. National Review Online. Oct. 30, 2001. With Stephen Halbrook & Carlo Stagnaro. In Italiano.
Book review of Target Switzerland, by Stephen Halbrook. The American Enterprise magazine.
The Swiss and Their Guns. By Dave Kopel and Stephen D'Andrilli. American Rifleman, Feb. 1990. (Entered in full into the Congressional Record by N.H. Rep. Dick Bass.)
Genocide Resistance. The possession of arms saved many Armenians. National Review Online, Oct. 16, 2007. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Click here for articles by Kopel in Spanish.
Does the Right to Bear Arms Impede or Promote Economic Development? 6 Engage 85 (2005, issue 1)(journal of The Federalist Society). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Using case studies from Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, this article refutes the claim of gun prohibition advocates that the presence of "small arms" is a cause of economic underdevelopment. The article also details the harmful effects of UN policy regarding malaria and AIDS in the Third World. In PDF.
A Foreign Policy Disaster, in The New Prohibition: Voices of Dissent Challenge the Drug War (Accurate Press, 2004). With Mike Krause. (Colombia and Peru.)
This is Kerry on Drugs. Starve a peasant, feed a terrorist. Reason.com. July 15, 2004. With Michael Krause.
Click here for articles by Kopel in Portuguese.
Brazil Senate Proposal Calls for Vote on Gun Sales. NRA News. April 14, 2011.
blog: Gun prohibition referendum, 10/27/05.
Out of Colombia. The drug-certification mandate and the international drug war are making America more like Colombia. National Review Online. Apr. 12, 2001. With Mike Krause. Columbian newspaper article summarizing and discussing this article, in Spanish.
Losing the War on Terrorism in Peru. The U.S. government has undermined the war on terrorism in Peru. National Review Online, Mar. 22, 2002. With Mike Krause.
License to Kill. The (drug) war on civilians in Peru. National Review Online. Aug. 16, 2001. With Mike Krause.
blog: Peruvian village militia bleg, 4/16/09.
Venezuelan Government Suspends Gun Imports and Sales for One Year. NRA News. Mar. 12, 2012.
Dhimmitude and Disarmament. 18 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 305 (2008). Covers the Islamic world, from Persia to North Africa.
Self-defense in Asian Religions, 2 Liberty Law Review 79 (2007).
Bin Laden as Napoleon. A comparison. National Review Online, Nov. 19, 2001.
Waco Lessons for War. What evil can do. National Review Online. Nov. 6, 2001. With Paul Blackman.
Capturing the War. Denver newspapers do their part, but it takes others and the Internet to cover wide world of terrorism. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Oct. 20, 2001.
Who Needs Guns? Lessons from Down Under. Chronicles, Oct. 2003. Gun confiscation in Australia. PDF file.
"Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights." 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali. In PDF.
Little Island that Roared. The story of Bougainville, and gun prohibition. National Review Online. Feb. 6, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
"Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights." 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali. In PDF.
Kerry's Cambodia Troubles Ignored. Denver dailies assail candidate's foes but cold-shoulder the issues they raise. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, August 14, 2004.
China's Newest Exports. One of the biggest human rights violators on the planet publishes nonsense about our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. America's 1st Freedom. Sept. 2012.
"Poisoned Milk and the Poisoning of Democracy: Some Cautions about China Trade and Taiwan Sovereignty" PDF. Presented at the symposium "Taiwan's New Approach: Opportunities and Challenges for President Ma Ying-jeou's Government." International House, University of Chicago, October 24, 2008. The program's sponsors were the University of Chicago's Center for East Asian Studies and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago (駐芝加哥台北經濟文化辦事處).
Where is Gao Zisheng? Volokh.com. February 4, 2010.
Chinese woman resists rape, is criminally convicted, then released. Volokh.com. June 16, 2009.
The UN Needs another Member. Taiwan's application to join the UN. And the unfortunate silence of the U.S. State Department regarding the Secretary-General's illegal rejection of the application. Tech Central Station. Oct. 10, 2007. With Mike Krause.
Ready to start learning Chinese? It's easier than you might think. Asian Avenue magazine, August 2007.
The Threat From Sino-America. The dangers of China's growing, and anti-democratic influence in Latin America. Costa Rica's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Tech Central Station. July 16, 2007. With Mike Krause.
U.S. Web firms aid in repression. Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft complicit in China's stranglehold on information, including suppression of discussion of Taiwan's independence. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 24, 2005.
News columnist scores a coup. Report on Baghdad anti-terrorism rally one more Iraq item ignored by others. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Dec. 6, 2003. Plus coverage of the trendy restaurant named for the genocidal tyrant "Mao," bogus statistics about the homeless, and the new government in Switzerland.
China Tallies Our Rights Record. The U.S. and guns, according to them. National Review Online. Feb. 25, 2002.
Most Gracious Guest. Denver Mayor Wellington Webb grovels for Chinese trade, and betrays American ideals. National Review Online. Apr. 4, 2001.
Arms in the Celestial Kingdom. What Confucius had to say about bearing arms. Liberty magazine.
blog: Chinese dissidents and Yahoo, 10/18/05.
Birth of a Nation. What East Timor and the U.S. have in common. And what they don't. National Review Online. Mar. 12, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Bellicose Women, Part XXIX, India,10/14/05.
How Syria is Iran's Route to the Sea. Volokh.com. Oct. 24, 2012.
К переговорам по проблеме Ирана. Iran talks. Radio Liberty. 8.4.2012. MP3
Hyperbole Taints Gitmo Coverage. Comparing death-free Guantanamo to murderous gulags grossly misleading. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 21, 2005. Plus slanted coverage of gay rights, and media blindness about the Iran nuclear weapons program.
A Potential Ally? In conversation with Iran. National Review Online. Oct. 3, 2001. Kopel's interview with the Tehran newspaper Siasat Roos (Politics of the Day).
blog: War on Drugs versus War on Terrorists. 8/23/06.
Iranian Teenager to be Executed for Self-defense against a Rapist, 3/30/06.
So much left out of Saddam stories. Documents, videos potentially explosive, but News, Post coverage only minimal. Plus, the lies of Mahmoud Abbas and Scott Ritter. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 25, 2006.
Confusion over Charter Schools. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 7, 2005. Post story slanted against charter schools. Plus Guiliana Sgrena and Wayne Laugesen. And an explanation of "write-thrus."
Shameless dailies run deceptive ad. 'Bait-and-switch' in wake of pope's death misleads readers, exploits the faithful. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 23, 2005. Plus: undercoverage of Benedict XVI's intellectual record. Over-coverage of failed anti-American demonstration in Baghdad.
Optimism in Iraq sniffed at here. Mostly positive pre-election poll of Iraqi voters given short shrift in Denver. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 29 , 2005.
Press accentuates negatives of Iraq. Media's obsessive lingering on problems neglects the many positives of situation. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 5, 2004. Plus NPR bias, Israel coverage.
Media goes all fuzzy on protest. Lack of specifics, perspective on figures used by Auraria students hurts coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 13, 2004. Plus Nelson Rockefeller's divorce, dubious statistics about "hate crimes" against homosexuals, and attacks on George Bush's campaign advertisements.
KOA's Dan Caplis a radio treasure. Lawyer/talk-show host is go-to guy for invaluable insights on Colorado stories. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Feb. 14, 2004. Plus the "imminent" canard about Iraq.
News columnist scores a coup. Report on Baghdad anti-terrorism rally one more Iraq item ignored by others. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Dec. 6, 2003. Plus coverage of the trendy restaurant named for the genocidal tyrant "Mao," bogus statistics about the homeless, and the new government in Switzerland.
Déjà vu in a liberated Iraq. Winning the war is half the battle; what's harder is winning hearts. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Oct. 25, 2003.
Two points about WMDs neglected. Did Clinton and those who authorized Resolution 1441 lie about Saddam, too? Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 21, 2003. Plus a look at Swiss and French newspapers.
In Gulf War II, old giants are passé. In early days of Iraqi war, Denver's 7 was the clear leader in news coverage. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Mar. 29 , 2003. Plus Rachel Corrie, Supreme Court gay rights case, hockey playoffs, and censorship of sports stars.
blog: Guns and Iraqi civilians, 4/21/03.
(See also the section on Judaism on the Religion page.)
Zivotofsky v. Kerry (2014). U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief. Kopel joins other professors of constitutional and international law. Argues that precedent and practice show that Congress has the authority to designate that particular locations will be treated as part of a particular nation, for purposes such as passport issuance, tariffs, and so on. Brief primarily written by Alan Gura and Eugene Kontorovich. Supreme Court amicus brief in support of petitioner.
Ancient Hebrew Militia Law. 90 Denver University Law Review Online 175 (2013).
Uncovering anti-Israel Propaganda with Philippe Karsenty. French media critic and elected official Philippe Karsenty joins Dave Kopel to discuss how one of the biggest anti-semitic hoaxes of all time was uncovered. In 2004, Mr. Karsenty set in motion a nearly decade long legal battle to blow the cover off a French TV station's deliberate hoax involving footage of a dying boy named Muhammad al-Durrah. The footage was shown on national TV and helped perpetuate anti-Jewish and anti-American terrorism for years to come. Aug. 16, 2012. 31 minutes.
Arms Trade Treaty's Purpose: Block Arms Sales to Israel. Volokh.com. January 30, 2009.
UNRWA and Palestinian Suffering. The UN agency created in 1949 to help Palestinian refugees has deliberately prolonged their suffering. The Volokh Conspiracy. Nov. 29, 2007.
Stories about slain 'shield' lacking. Media miscoverage of Rachel Corrie and her terrorist-assisting International Solidarity Movement. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Oct. 6, 2007.
To Your Tents, O Israel! The history of ancient kingdom of Israel, and how the people created a strong central government for national security, but then found that their own liberties were endangered by that government. And the lessons that the American colonists and Founders drew from Israel's experience. Liberty, April 2007.
Were front-page photos staged? Images from Qana raise issue of whether media were manipulated. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, August 12, 2006.United Nations an Accomplice in Hezbollah Kidnapping. July 21, 2006. The Volokh Conspiracy. How the United Nations helped in Hezbollah's October 2000 kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers, and the subsequent cover-up.
Tattered Cover again Shows Grit. Plus, polling on illegal immigration; Palestinian Authority financial crisis. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, April 8, 2006.
So much left out of Saddam stories. Documents, videos potentially explosive, but News, Post coverage only minimal. Plus, the lies of Mahmoud Abbas and Scott Ritter. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 25, 2006.
Imam's critic shortchanged. Coverage of Sheikh Ekrima Sabri gave his record a pass. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, March 11, 2006.
New Orleans city officials off hook. 'Stunningly incompetent' Mayor Nagin given a pass by Denver's News, Post. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 10, 2005. Also: cartoonists push junk science; paper promote illegal Internet gambling; News omits key fact in Gaza story.
Newsweek's bad streak hits home. First the Quran debacle, then magazine's dubious elevation of a local high school. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, May 21, 2005. Plus an error-ridden article about the 1992 Amendment 2 anti-gay rights ballot initiative. Israel's 57th year of independence is covered solely with a biased A.P. story whitewashing the 1948 Arab war against Israel.
Audacious Judith. The Jewish heroine. MSNBC.com, Dec. 8, 2004.
Arafat coverage. Stories in wake of Palestinian leader's death misleading and morally bankrupt. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Nov. 20, 2004.
Follow the Leader. Israel and Thailand set an example by arming teachers. Russia should follow, to prevent more hostage-taking in schools. National Review Online. Sept. 3, 2004.
A Rich Tradition. Jewish war lessons. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2002.
Mideast stories lack critical info. Too many witnesses and 'experts' go unidentified in Times and AP stories carried by Post and News. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Apr. 7, 2002.
'Israel lobby' a clear misnomer. Intimations by News international editor of an Israeli-controlled 'propaganda corps' ring false. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Nov. 18, 2001.
Hanukkah's Freedom Fighters. National Review Online. Dec. 22, 2000.
Israeli Arab Calls for Solidarity with U.S. Hispanics.
Polly Baca Honored for Israel Work. La Voz. Mar. 15, 1989.
Israeli Ambassador Rips Apartheid. Denver Weekly News. Jan. 19, 1989.
blog: Arms Trade Treaty's Purpose: Block Arms Sales to Israel, 1/30/09. Global gun prohibition lobby urges ban on arms sales to Israel, 10/17/06. Never Again. Israeli journalist Ben Capsit pens the speech about Qana that Israel's Prime Minister should have delivered. 8/5/06. Is Israel in Violation of International Law? 3/6/06. Legal status of Israel's border and its defensive barrier, 2/27/06. "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People," 12/29/05. Hanukkah, 12/27/05. Another victim of Arafat, 11/30/04. Arafat: Godfather of Terror, 11/13/04. Fence Politics, 1/12/04. U.N. obstruction of peace in Israel, 4/14/03. Palestinians name street after terrorist who killed 4 Americans, 3/31/03. Palestinians name schools after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi,3/17/03. Seinfeld in Israel, 6/8/02. Remove the criminal oppressive regime in the West Bank, 6/4/02. Attacks on Shavei-Shomron, 5/31/02. Armed Israeli teacher stops terrorist attack on high school, 5/29/02. Gush Katif, 5/22/02. Sharon quotes Talmud on self-defense, 5/7/02. Hamas defeat at Jenin is like Hitler's defeat at Stalingrad, 4/16/02. U.S. State Dept. and Palestinian use of ambulances to smuggle terrorists, 4/7/02. Israeli gun sales soar after shoe salesman shoots Palestinian terrorist in restaurant, 4/7/02. Blood libel on Purim, 3/13/02. Suicide bomber flees Karkur after being confronted by armed citizen, 3/11/02.
Why Japan is so safe from guns. A society utterly different from our own. New York Daily News. Dec. 19, 2012.
Japanese Gun Control. 2 Asia-Pacific Law Review 26 (1993). Español.
An Open Letter to the People of Japan (gun prohibition). Liberty. May 2000. By Dave Kopel.
Japan: Gun Control and People Control. The American Rifleman. Dec. 1988.
blog: Kuwaiti Gun Control, 11/18/05.
A Moriori Lesson. A brief history of pacifism. National Review Online. Apr. 11, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
blog: Anniversary of Natkong River defense by U.S. & R.O.K. forces, 8/4/03. N.K. Gulag, 1/16/03.
blog: Armed citizens against terrorist kidnappers, 3/10/02.
See the Russia and Russian language page, for dozens of articles.
Delta Airlines complicit in Saudi discrimination? Volokh.com. June 23, 2011.
Antitrust lawsuit against OPEC, 5/22/08.
Saudi-sponsored newspaper promotes David Duke, 5/114/02.
Saudis complain that Egypt and Jordan are not breaking their peace treaties with Israel; Saudis subsidize Arafat's terrorism, 4/16/02.
Solomon Says. The madness of civilian disarmament in the South Pacific. National Review Online. Nov. 27, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Post less gullible in Baby 81 hoax. It carried only 2 stories to the News' 9; AP reports rife with unsupported 'facts'. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Feb. 26 , 2005. Plus media non-coverage of U.N. sex abuse, and coverage of the Saudi high school in Virginia that produced the man accused to trying to assassinate President Bush.
Post misses boat on Hefley move. Even News barely notes role of rules in congressman's loss of ethics panel chair. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Jan. 15 , 2005. Plus fraud in the real estate section, and coverage of Sri Lanka.
Lions vs. Tigers. The precarious state of Sri Lanka. National Review Online. Mar. 3, 2004. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
How Syria is Iran's Route to the Sea. Volokh.com. Oct. 24, 2012.
Major Development in Syria. Volokh.com. Mar. 24, 2006.
See also Kopel's Chinese language website.
"Poisoned Milk and the Poisoning of Democracy: Some Cautions about China Trade and Taiwan Sovereignty." PDF. Presented at the symposium "Taiwan's New Approach: Opportunities and Challenges for President Ma Ying-jeou's Government." International House, University of Chicago, October 24, 2008. The program's sponsors were the University of Chicago's Center for East Asian Studies and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago (駐芝加哥台北經濟文化辦事處).
Does the United States rule Taiwan? Volokh.com. April 10, 2009.
Taiwan's Presidential Elections: An Analysis of What Happened, and What May Happen Next. Independence Institute Issue Paper. April 2008. Examining how KMT candidate Ma Ying-Jeou won the election in part because of his strong defense of Taiwan's sovereignty and his appeal to Taiwan's growing national consciousness. The Issue Paper also analyzes the two referenda on UN membership.
Weblog: Does the United States rule Taiwan? 4/10/2009. Another head of state for Obama to meet in person, 5/20/08. Taiwan Presidential Election: Results and Process, 3/22/08. Taiwan election coverage, 3/31/08.
The UN Needs another Member. Taiwan's application to join the UN. And the unfortunate silence of the U.S. State Department regarding the Secretary-General's illegal rejection of the application. Tech Central Station. Oct. 10, 2007. With Mike Krause.
Ready to start learning Chinese? It's easier than you might think. Asian Avenue magazine, August 2007.
The Threat From Sino-America. The dangers of China's growing, and anti-democratic influence in Latin America. Costa Rica's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Tech Central Station. July 16, 2007. With Mike Krause.
Are you planning on visiting Taiwan? 4 Rules to Follow. Asian Avenue magazine, May 15, 2007.
Taiwan and Democracy: China and Trade. iVoices podcast. David Kopel reports on his recent visit to Taiwan. Jan. 16, 2007. MP3.
The 'other' Tancredo ignored. From local media, you'd never know he's a big Taiwan backer. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Dec. 16, 2006.
Taiwan's Right to UN Membership. The Volokh Conspiracy. Sept. 12, 2006. Español.
U.S. Web firms aid in repression. Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft complicit in China's stranglehold on information, including suppression of discussion of Taiwan's independence. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 24, 2005.
Weblog: 10/18/2005. U.S. companies should refuse to do business in China, if the price is abetting censorship. Instead, they should set up offices in Taiwan.
The UN Small Arms Conference, 23 SAIS Review 319 (Winter/Spring 2003, Issue 1). In italiano. Includes a discussion of how the U.N.'s war on gun ownership endangers Taiwan's right to procure defensive national arms.
Buddhists and Moslems arm against terrorists. In Thailand. Volokh.com. September 21, 2009.
Follow the Leader. Israel and Thailand set an example by arming teachers. Russia should follow, to prevent more hostage-taking in schools. National Review Online. Sept. 3, 2004.
The Dalai Lama's Army. A right to self-defense is recognized by the Dalai Lama -- indeed, his predecessor tried to recruit an army. National Review Online, April 5, 2007.
Tibet. Genocide and ecocide. Relix.
blog: International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge makes excuses for Chinese colonialism in Tibet. 5/3/08.
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
Dhimmitude and Disarmament. 18 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 305 (2008). Covers the Islamic world, from Persia to North Africa.
Gun Bans & Genocide: The Disarming Facts. How gun control has been used in the Darfur, Sudan genocide. Genocide and United Nations disarmament in other African countries. America's 1st Freedom, August 2006. PDF. HTML.
Les actualités au droit des armes. Le 14 juillet 2006. Afrique francophone. La conférence ONU. En français et anglais. In both French and English
Le contrôle des armes en Afrique francophone. Le 26 mai 2006 au 18 juin 2006. (Gun Control in Francophone Africa.) En français et anglais. In both French and English.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
Articles of Faith. AIDs in Africa. Tech Central Station, July 23, 2004. With Carlo Stagnaro and Alberto Mingardi.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
blog: Eco-devastation, 4/2/02.
Egypt: Triggered by Safety Concerns, Gun Ownership on the Rise. NRA News. March 24, 2011.
blog: Hit song extols hatred of Jews; boycott of U.S. films, 4/14/03.
Deforestation in Africa. Thousands of acres of forest were set ablaze. Fires raged for a full week in multiple parts of Ethiopia, however volunteers were not allowed to help put them out. Dave Kopel sits down with dissident Ethiopian journalist Habtamu Dugo as they discuss the ecological destruction that ravaged the Ethiopian countryside as fires, most believe the government started and the let blaze for weeks. Run Time 9:45. May 7, 2008. MP3.
The Other War in Ethiopia. Tech Central Station. Dec. 29, 2006. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. The destruction of the disarmed Anuak people of southwestern Ethiopia.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
Good guys with guns: Former Interpol chief Ron Noble on the Westgate Mall mass shooting. Washington Post. May 16, 2016.
"Human Rights and Gun Confiscation." 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). PDF. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
Human Rights Atrocities: The Consequences of United Nations Gun Confiscation in East Africa. By Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne Eisen. How U.N.-backed gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda have led to murder, torture, and arson, and have turned tens of thousands of pastoral tribespeople into starving refugees. Issue Backgrounder. In PDF. In HTML.
"Does the Right to Bear Arms Impede or Promote Economic Development?" 6 Engage 85 (2005, issue 1)(journal of The Federalist Society). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Using case studies from Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, this article refutes the claim of gun prohibition advocates that the presence of "small arms" is a cause of economic underdevelopment. The article also details the harmful effects of UN policy regarding malaria and AIDS in the Third World. In PDF.
The Libyan intervention is not wholly legal. The Daily Caller. April 18, 2011.
blog: Slavery in Libya, 2/1/03.
"Microdisarmament: The Consequences for Public Safety and Human Rights." 73 UMKC Law Review 969 (2005). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines UN-sponsored programs to disarm people in Cambodia, Bougainville, Albania, Panama, Guatemala, and Mali. In PDF.
Up in Flames. Mali's gun show. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Media-blasting book vanishes. Publisher drops exposé of CU coverage after lawyer's letter. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, July 16, 2005. Plus scientific research on human embryos, and the famine in Niger.
U.N. Gives Tyranny a Hand. National Review Online. Aug. 6, 2001. Discusses Tuareg rebellion against central government's brutal kleptocracy.
Bloody Pirates! How can a few thugs disrupt the entire shipping industry? It's simple when the good guys have water hoses and air horns for self-defense, and only the bad guys have guns. America's 1st Freedom. July 2009.
"Human Rights and Gun Confiscation." 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008). PDF. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
South African Stupidity. Disarming the citizenry is not the answer. National Review Online. Oct. 11, 2000.With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
blog: Of course Nelson Mandela supports Saddam, 2/1/03.
Gun Bans & Genocide: The Disarming Facts. How gun control has been used in the Darfur, Sudan genocide. Genocide and United Nations disarmament in other African countries. America's 1st Freedom, August 2006. PDF. HTML.
Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right? 81 Notre Dame Law Review 1275 (2006). Conducting an in-depth study of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and also discussing other genocides, this article details the inadequacy of many of the international community's response to genocides, such as "targeted sanctions" or international peacekeeping forces. Examining international legal authorities such as the Genocide Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice, the article demonstrates that groups which are being subjected to genocide have a legal right of self-defense. International treaties, Security Council arms embargoes, or national gun control laws cannot lawfully be enforced in a manner which prevents self-defense resistance to a genocide in progress, because under international law, the prohibition against any form of complicity in genocide takes legal precedence over lesser laws.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
Avoiding Genocide. The right to bear arms could have saved Sudan. National Review Online. Aug. 18, 2004. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
blog: Sudanese Genocide Gets Worse, 12/20/05. How to Stop the Darfur Genocide, 2/1/05.
Human Rights and Gun Confiscation. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 383 (2008).With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Examines human rights abuses in gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda, and in South Africa's quasi-confiscatory licensing law. Also provides the most complete collection ever presented of international survey data about why people in various countries own guns.
Guns Don't Kill People, Gun Control Kills People. Uganda terrorizes its own citizens under the auspices of a UN gun control mandate. Reason Online. Feb. 23, 2007. With Joanne D. Eisen & Paul Gallant. Español.
Human Rights Atrocities: The Consequences of United Nations Gun Confiscation in East Africa. By Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne Eisen. How U.N.-backed gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda have led to murder, torture, and arson, and have turned tens of thousands of pastoral tribespeople into starving refugees. Issue Backgrounder. In PDF. In HTML.
Disarming Uganda. International gun-control nonsense. National Review Online. Dec. 11, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Firearms Possession by "Non-State Actors'': the Question of Sovereignty," 8 Texas Review of Law and Politics 373 (2004). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Book review of Aaron Zelman, et al., Lethal Laws, 15 New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law 355 (1995).
Blog: Guns and the liberation of women, 4/21/03.
Does the Right to Bear Arms Impede or Promote Economic Development? 6 Engage 85 (2005, issue 1) (journal of The Federalist Society). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Using case studies from Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, this article refutes the claim of gun prohibition advocates that the presence of "small arms" is a cause of economic underdevelopment. The article also details the harmful effects of UN policy regarding malaria and AIDS in the Third World. In PDF.
Tragedy in Africa gets scant notice. Denver dailies, like others around U.S., find little room to cover continent's woes. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, June 18, 2005. Ethiopian genocide against the Anuak. Zimbabwe genocide by starvation. Congo civil war and genocide. Sudanese genocide.
Dailies ignoring Zimbabwe crisis. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post,Sept. 1, 2002. Mugabe prepares for genocide.
Ripe for Genocide. Disarmament endangers Zimbabwe. National Review Online. Feb. 13, 2001. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Blog entries:
Gun confiscation, 6/30/05.
Democide facilitated by victim disarmament, 6/3/05.
Prosecution of farmer who resisted mob, 5/27/04.
Gun audit, 11/23/03.
Liberation struggle, 4/28/03.
French support, 2/15/03.
New Yorker article, 5/31/02.
Genocide Watch report, 3/19/02.
Mugabe history, 3/15/02.
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