Antitrust After Microsoft. (Chicago: Heartland Institute, 2001). Summary of the book. Review. Polski/Polish. Español.
A Needed, but Inadequate, Critique of Antitrust and Reform Proposals. Book review of The Antitrust Religion by Edwin S. Rockefeller (Cato Institute, 2007). Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute). April 1, 2008.
Giving Competition a Bad Name. Google vs. Microsoft, and how the European Commission claims to be promoting competition when it moves customers from companies with small market shares to the one that already has three-fifths of the market. Tech Central Station. Sept. 18, 2007.
European Commission Buys Google's Dubious Antitrust Pitch. Info Tech & Telecom News. Sept. 1, 2007.
Microsoft Capitulates. The real losers were computer users and justice in America. Liberty. Jan. 2002.
Antitrust's Greatest Hits. The foolish precedents behind the Microsoft case. Reason. Nov. 2001. With Joseph Bast.
Judge Jackson Unplugged. The Microsoft antitrust case falls apart. National Review Online. Mar. 2, 2001.
Justice Attacks Microsoft with Antitrust Vaporware. Cato Institute. November 19, 1997.
Smart Guns/Foolish Legislators, 34 Connecticut Law Review 157 (2001). With Cynthia Leonardatos and Paul Blackman. Analyzes "smart guns" and other technology mandates for firearms.
Preventing a Reign of Terror: Civil Liberties Implications of Terrorism Legislation. By David B. Kopel & Joseph Olson. Article from the Oklahoma City Law Review assessing current and proposed measures to deal with terrorism by restricting civil liberty. Includes discussion of encryption, wiretaps, and other technology issues.
Hearings on Wiretapping and other Terrorism Proposals. Senate Judiciary Committee. May 24, 1995. Written testimony on behalf of the Cato Institute.
U.S. Web firms aid in repression. Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft complicit in China's stranglehold on information. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post, Sept. 24, 2005.
Chinese dissidents and Yahoo, 10/18/05.
Red Meat Encryption. Decoding the FBI's Carnivore Program. National Review Online. Aug. 23, 2000. With Tim Daneliuk.
When You Call, Who is Listening? The Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) is a law that the FBI is trying to turn into a tool for warrantless surveillance of the American people. Sacramento Bee. June 19, 1998.
Government Eavesdropping Via E-Mail. Rocky Mountain News. July 4, 1994. With Duane Thompson.
Face the Facts: Facial recognition technology's troubled past -- and troubling future. Reason. Oct. 2002. With Mike Krause. Reprinted in in James D. Toor, ed. Homeland Security. At Issue (Greenhaven Pr., 2004).
You've Got Identity. Why a national ID is a bad idea. National Review Online. Feb. 6, 2002. With Linda Gorman.
ID Nation. The wrong way to go. National Review Online. Oct. 2, 2001.
Access to the Internet: Regulation or Markets? Heartland Policy Study No. 92. Heartland Institute. Sept. 1999. Analyzes "Open Access" proposals to force cable television companies to let other companies use the the cable companies' Internet connections.
On the Internet, a Big Win for Consumers. The FCC strikes a blow for the free market. National Review Online. June 29, 2000. The Forced Access issue.
Hypocrisy Runs Deep at AOL: A Company Tries to Ride the Tiger of Big Government. National Review Online, June 16, 2000.
AOL-Time Warner Merger Spells End of Forced Access Campaign. Mar. 13, 2000. Heartland Institute. Also in the Syracuse Business Journal.
Supreme Court Gets Right Result in Cable Case, 7/27/05.
Orwell in Italy. National Review Online. April 25 , 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro. Old media gets government to crack down on Internet journalists.
Globaltaxation.Gov. U.N. and EU gearing up to regulate the Internet. National Review Online. Aug. 24, 2001. With Jennifer Holder.
Should Cloning Be Legal? It's not a federal question. National Review Online. Apr. 16, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
Wait a Nano-Second…: Crushing nanotechnology would be a terrible thing. National Review Online. July 5, 2000. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
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