Will gun control legislation make a difference? Drew Mariani Show. Relevant Radio. Oct. 4, 2017.
The Morality of Self-defense and Military Action. Larry Pratt interviews Kopel about his new book. Gun Owners News Hour Radio. Aug. 7, 2017.
Evolving First and Second Amendments. (Los Angeles) Daily Journal. July 28, 2017. The D.C. Circuit's Wrenn decision, upholding the right to bear arms. Kopel segment starts at about 20 minutes.
Tensions Rise In America's Gun Debate. NPR "On Point." KUOW radio. July 11, 2017. With Rep. Scott Perry, Lois Beckett and John Donohue.
How FASTER training for teachers will save lives. KFKA Greeley. Gail show. June 21, 2017
Guns in the right hands save lives. FASTER training for teachers. KNUS Denver. Dan Caplis Show. June 21, 2017.
Дональд Трамп против суда. Radio Liberty. Trump immigration order. Feb. 7, 2017.
Testimony on Colorado Senate bill 15-005. Bill to allow armed teachers in schools, if they are trained by Sheriffs' Offices. Colorado Senate State Affairs Committee. Jan. 24, 2017. 3:49.
Gun Sales Surge in Colorado ahead of the Election. Colorado Public Radio. Nov. 4, 2016.
A look at gun control around the world: why it works in Japan. "Take Two," on KPCC radio, Pasadena, California. July 8, 2016.
Gun Control and the Second Amendment. "All Sides," on WOSU Radio, Columbus, Ohio. June 23, 2016. With Robert Spitzer.
US Senate to vote on new gun control measures. "RN Breakfast," on ABC radio, Australia. Presented by Fran Kellly. June 21, 2016.
Drew Mariani Show. Relevant Radio ("Talk Radio for Catholic Life"). June 15, 2016. Starts at 31:00.
Second Amendment Update 2016. Your Weekly Constitutional. Feb. 26, 2016. Interviews with David Kopel and Adam Winkler.
"Heller 2" at the DC Circuit Court. Cato Institute podcast. Sept. 23, 2015.
America's Gun Debate Continues, with Schools in the Crossfire. "To the Point" on KCRW, Public Radio International. With Mark Follman, Mother Jones magazine; Josh Sugarmann, Violence Policy Center; Russ Moore, Shaker Junior High School. March 12, 2015. 33 minutes.
Colorado House of Representatives. State Affairs Committee. Feb. 2, 2015. Testimony in favor of: Civil immunity for businesses that allow licensed carry; Repeal of Colorado magazine ban; Repeal of prohibition on firearm loans that are not routed through FFLs; Enactment of "shall certify" for acquisition of NFA arms. Kopel testifies as the last witness on each bill. MP4.
Libertarianism.org Episode 49. The right to keep and bear arms. Interview by Aaron Powell and Trevor Burrus. Soundcloud.com. 57 minutes. Sept. 26, 2014.
The Dan Caplis Show. Hour 1: Frackban initiatives withdrawn. Cigar rights under attack by FDA. Hour 2. Knife Rights. David Harsanyi on media miscoverage of Israel. Alan Gottlieb of Second Amendment Foundation. 710 KNUS. Aug. 6, 2014.
Debate: Has the right to bear arms outlived it usefulness? NPR Intelligence Squared. 104 minutes. Nov. 21, 2013.
Tom Gresham's Guntalk. Kopel discusses the Colorado recall elections. Mp3. 45 minutes. Sept. 15, 2013.
The Truth About Gun Control. Kopel discusses his latest book with the Heartland Institute. Heartland Audio. 42 minutes. Sept. 5, 2013.
Gun Talk Podcast. Kopel interviewed by Gun Talk's Tom Gresham. Topics cover the new anti-gun bills, the lawsuit against them, and new book, "The Truth About Gun Control." MP3. 45 minutes. May 19, 2013.
Independent Voices. Kopel joins iVoices.org to discuss his latest book, "The Truth About Gun Control." MP3. 21 minutes. Apr. 25, 2013.
1310 KFKA. Kopel discusses his new book, Manchin-Toomey, and why the President's gun laws failed. MP3. 19 minutes. Apr. 24, 2013.
ABC (Australia Broadcasting Commission) Radio National. Discussion of gun control with Professor Robert Spitzer and Professor Adam Winkler. MP3. 29 minutes. Mar. 24, 2013.
ABA Civil Rights Subcommittee Roundtable. Discussion on gun violence and whether more gun control is the answer. Kopel joined by Adam Winkler of Gunfight, Prof. Nicholas Johnson of Fordham University's School of Law, and Ladd Everritt from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Moderated by Attorney Bobbie K. Ross. MP3. 60 minutes. Mar. 14, 2013.
How the Bill of Rights Became Applicable to the States. University of Denver law school lecture. MP3. 74 minutes. Feb. 25, 2013.
CELL Gun Violence Discussion. Colorado Public Radio re-broadcast of the CELL discussion on gun violence, moderated by Governor Hickenlooper. MP3. 58 minutes. Feb. 24, 2013.
Teri O'Brien Show. Kopel discusses Obama's gun control ambitions - what he can and cannot do constitutionally - to restrict access to firearms. MP3. 28 minutes. Feb. 15, 2013.
Podcast with NRA President David Keene. What it's like to be president of the NRA, political strategies, how to defeat the Michael Bloomberg's of the world. MP3. 52 minutes. Feb. 7, 2013.
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk. Senate Judiciary hearing recap, how far will gun control go in the near future. MP3. 13 minutes. Feb. 3, 2013.
Andy Park Radio Show. Kopel discusses some potential new gun control measures like "universal background checks" and what those really mean. MP3. 11 minutes. Jan. 29, 2013.
Tennessee State Rep. Eric Watson, Others Discuss Pros And Cons Of Arming Teachers. University of Tennessee public radio, WUTC 90.1. By Michael Edward Miller and Garrett Crowe. 13 minutes. Jan. 16, 2013.
All Things Considered. Kopel quoted in NPR broadcast on what would happen if guns were re-classified as "destructive devices." MP3. 4 minutes. Jan. 10, 2013.
Homefront Radio. Kopel discusses ways gun violence could be curtailed. BlogTalkRadio. 27 minutes. Dec. 27, 2013.
CKNW Vancouver. Kopel explains federal, state gun control law and whether arming teachers helps reduce school violence. 16 minutes. Dec. 27, 2012.
Primetime with Henry Shinn. Kopel talks about gun control in the wake of national tragedy. 9 minutes. Dec. 26, 2012.
America Now with Andy Dean. Kopel talks about his popular Wall Street Journal article. 5 minutes. Dec. 19, 2012.
Campus Carry at CU. iVoices.org podcast. 33 minutes. Nov. 19, 2012.
Affirming the Right to Bear Arms. Cato Institute podcast. 10 minutes. Sept. 26, 2012.
KGNU Morning Magazine. Kopel debates former Colorado legislator Ken Gordon about Amendment 65, which will be on Colorado's November ballot. The Amendment would order Colorado's elected officials to drastically limit spending on political speech. Kopel takes the pro-First Amendment side of the issue. Sept. 19, 2012. 53 minutes.
Uncovering anti-Israel Propaganda with Philippe Karsenty. French media critic and elected official Philippe Karsenty joins Dave Kopel to discuss how one of the biggest anti-semitic hoaxes of all time was uncovered. In 2004, Mr. Karsenty set in motion a nearly decade long legal battle to blow the cover off a French TV station's deliberate hoax involving footage of a dying boy named Muhammad al-Durrah. The footage was shown on national TV and helped perpetuate anti-Jewish and anti-American terrorism for years to come. Aug. 16, 2012. 31 minutes.
How the Media, Entertainment Industry Affects Violence. iVoices.org. Aug. 1, 2012. 39 minutes.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Chapter 7. A New and Dangerous Century. July 30, 2012.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Chapter 6. Reconstruction and the late 19th Century. July 27, 2012.
Podcast with Prof. Ilya Somin interviewed by Kopel, on the Necessary and Proper Clause in NFIB v. Sebelius. June 28, 2012. 28 minutes.
Amy Oliver Show. Fast and Furious. KFKA, Greeley, Colo. June 25, 2012. MP3.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Chapter 5. The Early Republic, and the Antebellum Era. 55 minutes. July 20, 2012.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Law school textbook. Chapter 4. The new Constitution and the Second Amendment. iVoices.org podcast. 44 minutes. June 7, 2012.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Law school textbook. Chapter 3. The Colonies and the Revolution. iVoices.org, May 9, 2012.
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Law school textbook. Chapter 2. Antecedents of the Second Amendment: From Confucius to the British Whigs. iVoices.org, Apr. 16, 2012.
К переговорам по проблеме Ирана. Iran talks. Radio Liberty. 8.4.2012. MP3
Firearms Law and the Second Amendment. Chapter 1. First in a podcast series on Kopel's new law school textbook. iVoices.org, Apr. 4, 2012.
Debunking "Stand your ground" myths. NRA News. April 3, 2012.
Florida Self-Defense Laws and the Martin/Zimmerman case. Peter Boyles Show. KHOW radio, Denver. April 3, 2012.
Supreme Court amicus brief on the individual mandate. KFKA, Greeley. Amy Oliver Show. Mar. 27, 2012.
Independence Institute amicus brief on the Individual Mandate in the health control law. iVoices.org. Mar. 12, 2012. With Rob Natelson. 32 minutes.
Independence Institute amicus brief on the Medicaid Mandate in the health control law. iVoices.org. Mar. 12, 2012. With Rob Natelson. 26 minutes.
State Reciprocity and the Second Amendment. Cato Institute podcast. 9 minutes. Sept. 19, 2011.
Independence Files Amicus in TABOR Lawsuit. Rob Natelson summarizes the II brief which explains that Colorado's Taxpayer Bill of Rights is fully consistent with the U.S. Constitution's Republican Form of Government clause. 17 minutes. Sept. 7, 2011.
Neither Necessary Nor Proper, Amicus Brief. iVoices.org podcast with Dave Kopel and Rob Natelson explains the Independence Institute's recent brief in Obamacare cases. MP3. 32:59.
What is possible to do to prevent gun violence? Kopel interview on radio program along with Dmitry Fonaryov, President of the Russian Association of Bodyguards, and Daniel Vice of the Brady Campaign. Voice of Russia. May 20, 2011.
Is There a Right to Own a Gun? Kopel interviews CU philosophy professor Michael Huemer about Huemer's philosophical argument that we not only have the right of self-defense, but that right also includes the right to own a gun. iVoices.org. May 18, 2011. 41 minutes. MP3.
Interview with Cato's Ilya Shapiro on the legal challenges to the new federal health control law. iVoices.org podcast, MP3. April 18, 2011. 39 minutes.
Mexican Cartels Get Heavy Weapons from Central America, U.S. Cables Say. NRA News. March 30, 2011. 10 minutes.
Is there a human right of self-defense? Discussion of the natural rights foundation of international law, and U.N.'s claim that there is no right of self-defense. iVoices.org podcast. March 29, 2011. MP3.
ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional in Florida. iVoices.org podcast. 33 minutes. Feb. 3, 2011. With Rob Natelson & Justin Longo.
Gun Control Legislation Debate after the Tucson shootings. Legal Talk Network. Jan. 21, 2011. 35 minutes. With Adam Winkler.
Gun laws after the Tucson shootings. Kopel debates John Donahue, of Stanford. WHYY radio, Philadelphia. Jan. 14th, 2011. 49 minutes. MP3.
Virginia Court Rules Against Obamacare. Kopel and Rob Natelson explain it all. iVoices.org. Dec. 14, 2010. 25 minutes.
Obama Care and the Commerce Clause. iVoices.org. Oct. 4, 2010. 12 minutes.
Golyansky case. The Bob Enyart Show. Aug. 9, 2010.
Caplis & Silverman Show. Westword publisher Patty Calhoun, Craig Silverman, and Kopel discuss their Emmy win, and Colorado politics. Aug. 6, 2010. Part 1 (starts a half-hour into the program), Part 2.
The Individual Health Care Mandate and Enumerated Powers. August 5, 2010. Southeastern Association of Law Schools annual meeting, Federalist Society panel on the constitutionality of the centralized health control law. Participants were Randy Barnett (Georgetown), Jack Balkin (Yale), Gillian Metzger (Columbia), and Kopel. The moderator was Bradley A. Smith (Capital). The recording is 93 minutes, although the event itself ran a little longer. While the focus was on the two state suits (Virginia, and the 20-state coalition), we also discussed some of the additional issues raised by the five other suits, such as due process rights to medical privacy and decision-making.
Kopel explains the Golyansky case. KFKA radio, Greeley. July 20, 2010. Part 1, Part 2.
Kopel testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination. July 1, 2010. Audio only. MP3 download.
Mike Rosen show. Discussion of McDonald, Kagan nomination, other Supreme Court issues. One hour. 850 KOA, Denver. June 29, 2010.
Podcast on McDonald. iVoices.org. June 28, 2010. MP3.
Kopel on Denver's Caplis & Silverman radio show, KHOW. 1st hour of the show, June 28, 2010. Show archive.
Incorporating the Second Amendment. Cato Institute Daily Podcast. June 22, 2010.
Waiting for McDonald. And the impending Kagan hearings. NRA News. June 21, 2010. Last segment on the show, 22 minutes.
Freedom is not Enough: The Moynihan Report and America's Struggle over Black Family Life--from LBJ to Obama. Kopel interviews Brown University history professor James T. Patterson about his book examining the tragic rise of illegitimacy rates, and the American political elite's refusal to address the problem for decades. MP3. 50 minutes.
The Push for States' Rights. KUER public radio, Salt Lake City. Apr. 7, 2010. Hour-long program. Kopel appears beginning at 12:54.
Interview with Colorado Attorney General John Suthers. About Colorado's participation in the suit against Obamacare. 23 minutes. Mar. 30, 2010. MP3.
Analysis of the McDonald Oral Argument. Downrange TV with Michael Bane. 34 minutes. Mar. 2, 2009.
The Executive Vesting Clause. Kopel interviews Rob Natelson about whether the first clause of Article II grants the President additional powers. 36 minutes. Feb. 16, 2010. MP3.
The Privileges or Immunities Clause and what it means for the Second Amendment. Kopel interviews the Cato Institute's Ilya Shapiro about his new law review article. 29 minutes. Feb. 16, 2010. MP3.
What Miller Meant. Kopel interviews Michael O'Shea about the history and multiple meanings of United States v. Miller. 65 minutes. Feb. 16, 2010. MP3.
The International Hunter Education Association. Kopel interviews the International Hunter Education Association's Wayne East, about IHEA's good works in teaching safety and responsibility. 26 minutes. Feb. 16, 2010. MP3.
Aiming for Liberty. Jim Pfaff interviews Kopel about Kopel's new book. 24 minutes. Jan. 21, 2010.
Stephen Halbrook Christmas Special. Kopel interviews Stephen Halbrook, the leading legal defender of the Second Amendment over the last three decades. Dec. 17, 2009. 53 minutes. MP3.
A Very Gura Christmas. Kopel interviews the young jedi Alan Gura about McDonald v. Chicago. Dec. 7, 2009. 50 minutes. MP3.
The Independence Institute's Supreme Court amicus brief in McDonald v. Chicago. Dec. 1, 2009. iVoices.org Podcast.
Josh Blackman interviews Kopel about the Supreme Court brief. Nov. 23, 2009. Podcast.
McDonald v. Chicago: Is the 2nd Amendment Incorporated in the 14th Amendment? An explanation of the basic constitutional issues in the case. Nov. 18, 2009. MP3.
Aiming for Liberty: Dave Kopel's New Book. Oct. 16, 2009, 11 minutes.
The Second Amendment Goes to the Supreme Court Again. Kopel explains McDonald v. Chicago. iVoices.org. Oct. 5, 2009. 11:04.
New Challenge to McCain-Feingold. Kopel explains the Citizens United case, and the Supreme Court's oral argument. iVoices.org. Sept. 15, 2009. 11:16.
Guns at Presidential Speeches. The lawful carrying of firearms outside of buildings where the President is speaking, and why Kopel thinks it is harmful to the pro-Second Amendment movement. iVoices.org. Aug. 21, 2009. 11:58.
National Concealed Carry. The Thune Amendment, which would have created national concealed carry reciprocity. iVoices.org. July 29, 2009. 11:35.
Dave Kopel Goes to Washington: Testifies On Sotomayor. Discussion of Kopel's appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. iVoices.org. July 29, 2009. 10:51.
The Privileges and Immunities clause. Kopel interviews Montana law school professor Rob Natelson about Natelson's research on the original meaning of the Article IV provision: "The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States." July 23, 2009. 46 minutes. MP3.
Caplis & Silverman Show. KHOW-Denver. July 22, 2009. MP3. The Senate vote on interstate carry of licensed firearms.
A Sotomayor Critic Weighs In. Kopel and Christian Science Monitor reporter Todd Zwillich discuss the Sotomayor nomination. WNYC, "The Takeaway." July 15, 2009. Approx. 14 minutes.
Obama Does Not Like Knives (or Guns). The administration moves to a regulatory ban on 80% of folding knives. June 25, 2009. 9 minutes. MP3.
Geeking It Up On Star Trek. The recent Star Trek movie, the original TV series, and their importance in culture. iVoices.org. June 11, 2009. 17 minutes. MP3.
Guns in National Parks. Kopel interviewed by Amy Oliver on KFKA radio. June 10, 2009. 20 minutes. MP3.
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Handgun Ruling. Kopel explains the new decision in NRA v. Chicago. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. June 4, 2009. 12 minutes. MP3.
The Montana Firearms Freedom Act. In an interview with Amy Oliver, Kopel explains the new Montana law which attempts to exempt guns which are made and sold intra-state from the application of federal gun laws which were enacted under the federal power over interstate commerce. KFKA radio. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. June 4, 2009. 16 minutes. MP3.
Important New Translation of Homer's Iliad. Homer's masterpiece has been around since 800 BC, and adored ever since. Professor Christian Kopff of CU-Boulder recently wrote the introduction to the new translation of the Iliad; Kopel interviews him about why this new version is important. May 29, 2009. 33 minutes. MP3.
Sonia Sotomayor. Kopel interviewed by Amy Oliver on KFKA radio. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. May 27, 2009. MP3.
The Necessary and Proper Clause: An Explanation. Kopel interviews University of Montana law professor Rob Natelson about the proper interpretation of the clause. May 14, 2009. 44 minutes. MP3.
9th Circuit's Ruling Applies 2nd Amendment to States. Kopel explains Nordyke v. King, in which the Ninth Circuit held that the 2d Amendment is incorporated by the 14th. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. April 20, 2009. MP3.
Does the Heller Ruling Apply at the State and Local Level? Three different cases could give the Supreme Court an opportunity to decide: the Chicago handgun ban; Alameda County, California, gun show ban; and the New York nunchaku ban. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. 11:24. April 10, 2009. MP3.
Did Heller matter? The New York Times says it did not, but Kopel details the Times' numerous omissions. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. April 3, 2009. MP3.
Should people with handgun carry permits have to go through a repetitive background check when they buy a gun? Kopel discusses a proposed reform law in Colorado. KOA radio, "The Ride Home." March 27, 2009, 4 p.m. MP3.
The once-fired brass debate. The Obama Department of Defense abruptly announced that it would stop selling once-fired brass to ammunition manufacturers--a move which threatened to substantially worsen the current shortage of ammunition for citizens. But the story has a happy ending, thanks to quick action by Second Amendment supporters. Unfortunately, this week it was also revealed that the Obama administration has moved to destroy the armed pilots program. And the National Park Service moves to ban all lead in national parks Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. Mar. 20, 2009. MP3.
More guns, more freedom? Kopel's law
review article finding that nations with higher rates of gun
ownership tend to have higher levels of civil, political, and
economic freedom.
Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast.
iVoices.org. Mar. 13, 2009.
Campus Conceal Carry Laws. What's the deal with conceal carry laws as it pertains to college campuses? The current state of concealed carry on campus in Colorado, and how it compares to Utah, where students are allowed to carry. Run Time:11:52. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Mar. 6, 2009. MP3.
Attorney General Holder calls for renewal of ban on so-called "assault weapons" in order to help the Mexican government. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Feb. 27, 2009. MP3.
Комментарий к программному выступлению Обамы. 25.02.2009. Radio Free Europe, Russian station. MP3. Obama State of the Union, and the Jindal response.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan. What his record as Superintendent of Chicago public schools indicates he might do on as Secretary of Education to promote restrictions of Second Amendment rights. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Feb. 20, 2009. MP3.
The Tara Servatius Show. H.R. 45, Rep. Bobby Rush's gun licensing and registration bill. Guest-hosted by Bill White. WBT-AM, Charlotte, North Carolina. Feb. 16, 2009. MP3.
The Independence Institute amicus brief in the Chicago handgun ban case. An explanation of how crime in Chicago soared after the handgun ban was enacted. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Feb. 13, 2009. MP3.
Peter Boyles Show. The case of Marie Morrow, the Douglas County high school student being persecuted for having some drill rifle props in her automobile. Also, the Wisconsin teacher being persecuted for having a Facebook picture in which she is holding a firearm. Feb. 10, 2009. MP3.
The lawsuits against the Chicago handgun ban. Dave explains the issue of whether the Second Amendment is incorporated against state and local governments. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Feb. 6, 2009. MP3.
H.R. 45. United States Rep. Bobby Rush's national gun licensing and registration bill. The Peter Boyles Show. 630-AM KHOW Denver. Feb. 3, 2009. MP3. (This MP3 begins in the middle of the program.)
Secretary of State Clinton and the Second Amendment. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Jan. 30, 2009. MP3.
Attorney General nominee Eric Holder. Dave Kopel's Second Amendment Podcast. iVoices.org. Jan. 23, 2009. MP3.
How to Interpret the Constitution. Kopel interviews University of Montana Law Professor Rob Natelson. They discuss originalism, and Natelson's recent articles. Nov. 24, 2008. 31 minutes. MP3.
Colorado 2008 election wrap-up. Colorado's election results, including the defeat of several tax increase ballot issues, and the defeat of Marilyn Musgrave. iVoices.org. 7:21. Nov. 17, 2008. MP3.
Interview with Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association. Podcast for iVoices.org. Oct. 14, 2008. Pearson has been lobbying on sporting and right to arms issues at the Illinois legislature since 1989. He has more first-hand knowledge of Obama's record on these issues than anyone except Obama himself. In the 20-minute podcast interview, Pearson suggests that Obama's claim about his supposed support for sportsmen is extremely inaccurate.
Kopel on the Mike Rosen Show, 850 KOA Denver. June 27, 2008. Hour 1. Hour 2.
Kopel on Downrange Radio. 24 minutes on the Heller decision. June 27, 2008.
Supco Ruling a Big Victory, but Many Fights Ahead. West Virginia Outdoor News. June 27, 2008. Audio. Article about the interview. 26 minutes.
Kopel on KOA, 850 KOA Denver. June 26, 2008.Half hour.
iVoices.org podcast on the Heller decision. June 26, 2008. 14 minutes.
Kopel interviewed on Caplis & Silverman radio show, KHOW Denver, about Heller. June 26, 2008. (Click on the 3 p.m. hour archive.)
Deforestation in Africa. Thousands of acres of forest were set ablaze. Fires raged for a full week in multiple parts of Ethiopia, however volunteers were not allowed to help put them out. Dave Kopel sits down with dissident Ethiopian journalist Habtamu Dugo as they discuss the ecological destruction that ravaged the Ethiopian countryside as fires, most believe the government started and the let blaze for weeks. Run Time 9:45. May 7, 2008. MP3.
iVoices.org interview with Kopel, about the oral argument in District of Columbia v. Heller. March 27, 2008. MP3. 15:01.
Kopel telephone interview for Down Range TV, discussing the day's oral argument in District of Columbia v. Heller. Mar. 18, 2008. MP3.
Nelson Lund explains the Second Amendment. Kopel interviews George Mason Law Professor Nelson Lund, author of the Second Amendment Foundation brief in DC v. Heller. Lund explicates the grammar and vocabulary of the Second Amendment. Mar. 4, 2008. MP3.
Gun Rights and Election '08. Kopel analyzes McCain, Clinton, and Obama. Feb. 26, 2008. MP3.
Does John McCain's birth in the Canal Zone disqualify him from the presidency? 29.2.2008. MP3. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. In Russian.
Academics for the Second Amendment brief in the Supreme Court. Law professor Joe Olson is interviewed by Dave Kopel, regarding the brief that A2A wrote regarding the drafting and original meaning of the Second Amendment. Feb. 21, 2008. 44 minute podcast. MP3.
Kopel discusses the Independence Institute/Law Enforcement brief in DC v. Heller, on the Amy Oliver Show. Part 1. Part 2.
Independence Institute brief in DC v. Heller. iVoices podcast, Feb. 11, 2008.
Условия для победы республиканцев. Republican chances in 2008. 1.24.2008. MP3. Russian-language edition of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Podcast on Gun Issues At the Oct. 2007 Gun Rights Policy Conference, Kopel is interviewed for the Gun Rights Advocates Podcast by host Mark Vanderberg. Topics include the implications and background of the D.C. handgun ban case, the politics of the gun issue, the role of activists, and new research about gun bans in Africa. The 36-minute interview is here. It begins with about 5-6 minutes of discussion by the host.
Interview with Colorado Freedom Report, about the Independence Institute's new "SchoolChoiceForKids.org" website. Nov. 14, 2007. MP3.
Independence Institute iVoices.org podcast, discussing O'Reilly's coverage. iVoices.org. June 4, 2007.Caplis & Silverman Show. KHOW, June 4, 2007. Kopel discusses Boulder High in the last 20 minutes of the show. Registration required.
Podcasts of June 2 and 4, 2007, KOA radio programs discussing the Boulder High issue. June 4 interview with Kopel.
Radio Netherlands. April 21, 2007. Kopel discusses the role of guns in society, with Martin Boess of the Swiss Crime Prevention Agency and Adele Kirsten, a small arms analyst and researcher and former head of Gun Free South Africa. Home page for the files. MP3 files (right-click them to open or save): Opening (1 minute). First segment (13:55). Second segment (20:00). Third segment (18:00).Shooter's Purchase of Handguns Raises Questions About Gun Control Laws. The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. April 19, 2007. Transcript. MP3.
One of the Worst Mass Killings in Modern American History. iVoices podcast interview with Kopel. April 19, 2007. Run time 18:50. MP3.
D.C. gun ban unconstitutional? Dave Kopel discusses the Parker decision, which declared that D.C.'s ban on handguns and ban on self-defense with any gun is unconstitutional. iVoices podcast. Run time 14:40. MP3. April 16, 2007. (Taped on April 13.)
Senate Bill 34: Concealed Carry in Colorado. Podcast Run Time: 00:12:48. MP3. April 6, 2007. What will Senate Bill 34 mean for the people of Colorado. Find out from the Director of the Second Amendment Project Dave Kopel.
Буш предупреждает Иран. Bush Warns Iran. Radio Free Europe, Russian language station. 30 января, 2007. MP3.
Taiwan's Struggle for Freedom and Recognition. Kopel's half-hour appearance on The Amy Oliver Show, KFKA-AM, Greeley, Colorado. January 18, 2007. MP3.
Taiwan and Democracy: China and Trade. iVoices podcast. David Kopel reports on his recent visit to Taiwan. Jan. 16, 2007. MP3.
Election Night 2006 And Fiscal Policy. Kopel interviews Penn Pfiffner, Director of the Independence Institute's Fiscal Policy Center. 12 minutes. Nov. 8, 2006.
Election Night 2006 and the Second Amendment. Ivoices podcast interview with Kopel. 8 minutes. Nov. 8, 2006.
Debate on school shootings with Dennis Hennigan, of the Brady Center. KHOW, 630 AM, Denver. Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006. The debate is from about 3:20 to 4:00 p.m. Caplis & Silverman archive.
Make Schools Safe for Kids, not Criminals. Arming teachers is the most realistic way to reduce school shootings. iVoices.org podcast. Oct. 5, 2006. MP3.
The United Nations versus Self-defense. Speech at the Gun Rights Policy Conference. Charlotte, N.C. Sept. 23, 2006. 16 minutes. Podcast in MP3.
Содержащиеся в тюрьме Гуантанамо будут защищены Женевской конвенцией. Рашн програм. Америка сегодня. 12 июля, 2006. MP3. Kopel discusses the granting of Geneva Convention rights to Guantanamo prisoners. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Russian edition. July 12, 2006.
United Nations Gun Confiscation. Kopel discusses the international gun prohibition movement, and his new paper about human rights abuses in the gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda. MP3.
Gun Prohibition. Colorado Supreme Court fails to rule against Denver's gun bans. Download in MP3.
Taiwan: Asia's Global Competitiveness Leader. Speech at the Independence Institute by Jack Chen, Director General Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, May 8, 2006. Introduction and remarks on Taiwan independence and Chinese aggression, by Kopel. MP3.
The State of Your Gun Rights. Podcast interview with Kopel on iVoices. 10 minutes. Discusses concealed carry victories, and more. Play now. Download in MP3.
Alternative Media. Kopel MP3 podcast. March 8, 2006.
NPR on Alito and Machine Guns: The November 11, 2005, edition of NPR's "All Things Considered" features a segment on Judge Alito's decision in Rybar, in which Alito followed the Supreme Court's Lopez precedent to write that a federal ban on machine gun possession was not a valid exercise of the federal power to regulate interstate commerce. Guests on the program were Eugene Volokh, Kristin Rand of the Violence Policy Center, Erwin Chemerinsky of Duke Law School, and Kopel.
Debate on Tort Protection for Gun Manufacturers. Oct. 27, 2005. The Legal Talk Network hosted a debate on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act. Participants were UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, Josh Horowitz from the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, and Kopel. The debate is available in WMF and MP3.
Stanford & Berkeley Law Schools symposium on digital technology. April 2005.
Radio America. 11 a.m. Mountain, Oct. 6, 2004. Analysis of the VP debate. Host: Jane Silk. Internet feed available.
NRA News, Sept. 2, 2004. 12:40 p.m. Mountain Time. Discussion of NY City Council resolution condemning the NRA.
Radio Free Europe. Russian language station. Sept. 1, 7 a.m. Moscow time. Kopel discusses the Republican Convention. Transcript in Russian.
Radio Free Europe. Russian language station. Aug. 18, 4 p.m. Moscow time (6 a.m. Denver time). "Liberty Live": Kopel suggests that destruction of al-Sadr's thugs, who are serving as puppets of the Iranian tyrants, is essential to building a free Iraq. Available on the Internet.
Al Rantel Show, KABC Radio, Los Angeles. July 30. 9-10 p.m Mountain Time. topic: Michael Moore. Available on the Internet.
Radio 3AW, Melbourne, Australia July 25, 2004. 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time; July 26, Sunday morning, Melbourne time. Fahrenheit 9/11. Available on the Internet.
Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 2003. The Second Amendment before the Supreme Court. Panel with Robert Levy, Chuck Michel, Alan Korwin, followed by Kopel. MP3.
The Influence of Michael Moore. "On Point," hosted by Tom Ashbrook, WBUR radio Boston (nationally syndicated). Kopel and Jim Hightower discuss Michael Moore, beginning at 17:30 into the show. Archived for Real Player.
The Bush administration is undermining the armed pilots program. 9/11 anniversary commentary on KGNU Radio. Available in MP3; Kopel commentary begins at 9:15 into the program.
National Public Radio, The Tavis Smiley Show. Kopel interviewed for 4/9/03 program on the NAACP's lawsuit against the firearms industry.
Workshop on Children, Youth and Gun Violence. National Research Council/Institute of Medicine of The National Academies. September 18, 2002. Kopel appears as a discussant on the 11:15 panel. Real audio. Kopel rebuts the claim that Eddie Eagle has proven ineffective in promoting gun safety.
Second Amendment Jurisprudence. Sanford Levinson (Professor of law and government at the University of Texas) and Dave Kopel discuss the Second Amendment on WBEZ radio, Chicago. July 13, 2001. One-hour program in RealAudio.
The Diane Rehm Show. Kopel interviewed on National Public Radio, just before the "Million" Mom March. May 11, 2000. RealAudio format.
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